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IEEE1901.3 standards meeting held, PLC dual-mode international standardization officially launched

Recently, the first working group meeting of IEEE1901.3 standard was successfully held during October 25-26, 2023 in Paris, France. The meeting was led and organized by State Grid China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd (CEPRI) in collaboration with Hesse, and representatives from more than ten units, including Beijing Zhixin Micro, Qingdao Neusoft, Qingdao Dingsin, Shenzhen Lihe Micro, and Sagemcom of France, attended the meeting and submitted their contributions to the key proposals. The successful convening of the meeting marked the official start of the development of dual-mode international standards for PLC (Power Line Carrier Communications).

Figure 1: The first working group meeting of the IEEE1901.3 standard was successfully held in Paris, France

The meeting completed the formation of the international working group, the proposal of key features and discussed and determined the official version of the first draft of the standard manuscript.The IEEE1901.3 standard is mainly oriented to the application scenarios of dual-mode communication multi-connectivity, high security, and Internet of Things, and the units exchanged information on the technical references and standard proposals for the data link layer of dual-mode communication.

The dual-mode communication technology HDC (High-speed dual-mode communication) standard was led by the Chinese Academy of Electrical Sciences (CEA) in 2018, and the standard release was completed in 2020. Dual-mode communication is a key local communication technology in the field of low-voltage source-network-load of the new power system, which strongly supports the real-time high-frequency collection at the minute level, multi-service network expansion, and accurate reporting of power outage events and other business needs.

IEEE1901.3 standard is based on independent intellectual property rights, aiming to realize dual-mode international promotion, focusing on link and network layer protocols, compatible with IEEE802.15.4 or Q/GDW12087 and other RF technology physical layer protocols. With the business changes of new power systems, new energy vehicles, and power Internet of Things, dual-mode technology will be applied to richer business scenarios, and play a more important role in multiple business fields, such as distributed photovoltaic group regulation and control, orderly charging of electric vehicles, intelligent power distribution automation system, and smart home. In addition, the transformation of the global energy structure also puts forward higher requirements for digitization, intelligence, and network connectivity, and IEEE1901.3 dual-mode technology is expected to serve as a key local communication technology, following China's "One Belt, One Road" strategy to the world.

Source: Huawei Hesse website

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