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The 2024 China Computing Conference reveals future technology trends!

Driven by the wave of digitalization, computing power has become a key force driving economic growth. The 2024 China Computing Power Conference, scheduled to be held in Zhengzhou in mid-August, is not only a concentrated display of the development achievements of China's computing industry, but also an in-depth discussion on the future computing technology trends and application prospects. In this article, China Exportsemi Net will try to analyze the background and significance of this event and its far-reaching impact on the digital transformation of Zhengzhou and even the whole country.

1. Background and significance of the conference

The China Computing Conference is one of the most influential industry events in the field of computing power in China. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, as of the end of June 2023, the scale of China's computing power has reached 197EFLOPS, of which the scale of general computing power accounts for 74%, the scale of intelligent computing power accounts for about 22.8%, and the scale of intelligent computing power has increased by 41.4% compared with last year. This data shows that intelligent computing power is becoming the main driving force for the growth of computing power.

2. Opportunities and challenges in Zhengzhou

As a national central city, Zhengzhou has achieved remarkable results in digital construction in recent years. By hosting the 2024 China Computing Conference, Zhengzhou will have the opportunity to further expand its popularity and influence in the country and even the world. However, at the same time, Zhengzhou is also facing the challenge of how to effectively integrate resources, improve service capabilities, and ensure the smooth holding of the conference.


Picture: The 2024 China Computing Conference announced the opening of Zhengzhou in August

3. The development trend of the computing power industry

The continuous growth of China's computing power, especially the improvement of intelligent computing power, has provided strong support for the digital transformation of all walks of life. With the wide application of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, computing power has become the new oil in the era of digital economy. In the future, the computing power industry will develop in a more efficient, smarter, and greener direction.

4. In-depth analysis and commentary

1. New opportunities for regional coordinated development: As an important city in the central region, Zhengzhou can strengthen the coordinated development with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other regions by holding the computing power conference, and share the dividends of the digital economy.

2. New momentum for innovation-driven development: The computing power conference will showcase many innovative achievements, inject new momentum into scientific and technological innovation in Zhengzhou and even the whole country, and promote industrial upgrading and economic structure optimization.

3. A new path for green development: With the expansion of the scale of computing power, how to achieve green and low-carbon computing infrastructure construction will become an important topic for the development of the industry. According to the White Paper on China's Comprehensive Computing Power Evaluation (2023), Ningxia ranks high in terms of resources and environment, which provides lessons for other regions to learn from.

4. New challenges of security and controllability: In the construction of computing infrastructure, how to ensure data security and network security, and build a safe and controllable computing service system are challenges that must be faced by the development of the industry.

5. A new situation of international cooperation: Through the platform of the Computing Power Conference, we will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the international community, share the achievements of computing power development, and enhance China's voice and influence in the governance of the global digital economy.

5. Conclusions

The holding of the 2024 China Computing Conference in Zhengzhou is not only a concentrated display of the achievements of digital construction in Zhengzhou and even the central region, but also a comprehensive review of the development of China's computing industry. Through this conference, we expect Zhengzhou to seize the opportunities, respond to the challenges, and contribute to the high-quality development of China's digital economy. At the same time, it is also hoped that all regions of the country can take this opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, jointly promote the prosperity and development of China's computing industry, and contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of digital China.

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