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2030 AR Device Forecast and LEDoS Technology Innovation

With the rapid development of augmented reality (AR) technology, we are standing on the threshold of a new era, an era in which virtual and reality seamlessly merge. According to TrendForce's latest forecast, global AR device shipments are expected to reach 25.5 million units by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 67%. This growth not only heralds a technological breakthrough, but also marks a huge demand for AR applications. In this context, LEDoS (Silicon-on-Silicon) technology, as the core light source technology of AR devices, is gradually becoming the focus of the market.

Growth drivers for the AR device market

The growth of the AR device market is driven by a combination of factors. First of all, the continuous advancement of AI technology provides AR with powerful data processing capabilities, making the AR experience smoother and smarter. Secondly, with the expansion of the application ecosystem, AR technology is increasingly widely used in education, entertainment, industrial design, and other fields, driving the expansion of the market. In addition, consumers' pursuit of new interactive experiences is also an important factor driving the growth of the AR device market.

Innovations and challenges in LEDoS technology

LEDoS technology has become a key technology to meet the needs of AR devices due to its high brightness, small size, and low power consumption. However, LEDoS technology also faces challenges in its development. At present, LEDoS technology needs to make breakthroughs in miniature LED luminous efficiency and full-color technology. Despite these challenges, the future of LEDoS technology is still promising. It is expected that by 2030, the market penetration rate of LEDoS technology will reach 44%, surpassing OLEDoS technology and becoming the mainstream technology in the market.


Figure: Estimated proportion of AR device technology in 2024 and 2030

Market position of OLEDoS and LCoS technologies

As a mature display technology, OLEDoS technology is currently the only technology that can be applied to both VR/MR and AR devices. The combination of OLEDoS technology and BirdBath solution achieves a good balance between cost and display effect. However, in AR application scenarios, OLEDoS technology still has limitations in balancing brightness and color display, and it is expected that its technical share in AR devices will drop to 25% by 2030.

LCoS technology has a place in the AR market due to its high resolution and high brightness. Although LCoS technology is limited by the design of polarization beamsplitters, which makes it difficult to further reduce the size of optical machines, with technological advancement and increased brand investment, the share of LCoS technology in the AR device market is expected to increase from 12% in 2024 to about 18% in 2030.

Industry competition and market trends

At present, the competitive landscape of the AR industry is constantly evolving, with key companies stepping up R&D in key technology areas such as optical modules, and startups emerging. At the same time, the in-depth layout of mobile phones and Internet giants has promoted the rapid iteration of key components and seized market share. For example, the collaboration between Porotech and Hon Hai is exploring the wide application of LEDoS technology in the AR field, which not only demonstrates the market potential of LEDoS technology, but also reflects the industry's emphasis on technological innovation.

Conclusions and prospects

Overall, the rapid growth and technological innovation of the AR device market, especially the rise of LEDoS technology, indicates that future AR devices will be thinner, lighter, more efficient, and provide better display effects. This trend will reshape the market landscape of AR devices and promote the wide application of AR technology in education, entertainment, industry, medical and other fields. With the continuous maturity of technology and the further development of the market, AR devices are expected to become an important force to promote the development of the digital economy. It is expected that by 2030, we will witness the arrival of a new era of AR driven by the innovation of LEDoS technology.

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