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Silan Micro SiC Electric Vehicle Electric Drive Power Module Wins "Hardcore Core of the Year 2023"

It is reported that the "Fifth Hardcore Core Ecological Conference and 2023 Automotive Chip Technology Innovation and Application Forum" was successfully concluded on October 30, 2023 at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference brings together leaders of the semiconductor industry chain, executives of electronic manufacturing enterprises, project managers, electronic engineers and other industry leaders to speak on the same stage, contributing top ideas and wisdom to promote the high-quality development of China's core.



Figure 1: Silan Microelectronics SiC Electric Vehicle Electric Drive Power Module SSM1R7PB12B3DTFM Wins "2023 Power Device of the Year Award"


SSM1R7PB12B3DTFM is a six-cell topology module developed based on SiC MOS chip technology. The module is suitable for applications such as pure electric vehicles and features high blocking voltage, low on-resistance and high current density. Chip optimization has completed the development of SiC/SiO2 oxidation process with low interface state density and high channel mobility, and the on-resistance of single chip has reached or even outperformed the level of foreign devices of the same level; packaging has overcome the nano-silver sintering and copper wire bonding technologies and achieved mass production.


Figure 2: Silan Microelectronics SSM1R7PB12B3DTFM electric vehicle electric drive power module


As one of the leading IDM companies in China, Silan Microelectronics' technologies and products cover a wide range of fields and maintain a leading position in China. In the future, Silan Microelectronics will rely on the growing electronic information product market, seize the opportunity of the current rapid development of semiconductor integrated circuit industry, design and manufacture simultaneously, strengthen investment, continue to improve the technical capabilities of the featured process IC products, power semiconductors, sensors, expand the industrial base, and work hard to achieve the domestic major, comprehensive semiconductor integrated circuit design and manufacturing enterprises.


Source: Silan Microelectronics

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