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Exploring and looking ahead to 6G technology

While specific details about 6G technology are still being developed, at MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2024, experts shared their insights on potential applications and focus areas where the technology could have a significant impact. They argued that:6G offers significantly higher data rates than 5G, enabling real-time applications such as tele-surgery and automated transportation.6G's capabilities could revolutionize virtual and augmented reality experiences, creating more realistic and interactive environments.6G's ability to support large numbers of device connections could be a catalyst for further widespread use of the Internet of Things (IoT), especially for industrial machinery and environmental monitoring systems.6G 's low latency and high bandwidth could create an environment for artificial intelligence to flourish, enabling real-time decision-making.

With the advent of 6G technology, it's not just about increased speeds, but will lead to broader technological innovations. While 6G will bring data transfer capabilities from gigabits to terabits and millisecond response times, these advancements are not its only focus. This transformative technology will give rise to a whole new set of application scenarios, such as real-time automation and extended-reality sensing technology, the latter of which is often referred to as the Sensor Internet. In addition, 6G will enable access to massive amounts of data in ways that will help build digital twins of the physical world, thereby revolutionizing the way we interact with and perceive our surroundings. 6G will employ new network architectures, such as distributed networks and deterministic networks, as well as new wireless technologies, such as new spectrum use technologies and communication-aware integration technologies, to meet the diverse future communication needs. While increased speeds are undoubtedly a feature of 6G, the narrative around 6G goes beyond achieving higher data rates, with experts emphasizing that its true potential lies in its ability to seamlessly connect the physical, data and human worlds. As with all emerging technologies, the development and rollout of 6G should be guided by ethical principles, with sustainability and security as its core values, integrated into its architecture from the very beginning of its design. During a panel discussion at MWC (Mobile World Congress), the Director of Research at the University of Oulu also emphasized the importance of adopting an approach that integrates environmental, social and economic factors in a holistic manner. This approach ensures that 6G does not just improve connectivity, but actively contributes to social goals. It encourages responsible technological development and ensures that the benefits of this powerful technology are distributed fairly. Industry insiders emphasized the collaborative approach needed to shape the future of 6G, saying that the mobile industry is moving towards "openness" and "cooperation" across the ecosystem.

While 6G is still in the early stages of development, there are valuable lessons to be learned from previous generations of mobile technology. Overall, we're working towards a coordinated development across the industry, with early standardization discussions starting gradually after this summer," said industry insiders at MWC. "

At the conference, the Director General of the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks made the point that developing a complex technology with far-reaching implications like 6G requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, and it emphasized the need to work together to drive innovation, attract investment and strengthen security as a way to support the digital transformation process.

More than just a leap in speed, 6G is the key to unlocking the infinite possibilities of the future, profoundly impacting our lives and work and opening up new opportunities for human society.



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