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Accelerate the construction of the "Western Sensor Capital", and the market docking special session of the 2023 Intelligent Sensor Industry Development Conference was held grandly

On the afternoon of July 4th, the market matchmaking session of the 2023 Smart Sensor Industry Development Conference was held as scheduled. Duan Xiaolong, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of Weibin District Party Committee, attended the meeting. 


Intelligent Sensor Industry Development Conference Market Docking Special Session Activity Site


 At the scene, Weibin District introduced the Western Sensor Industrial Park. Shaanxi Electronic Information Group, Micro Sensor Co., Ltd., MTEK Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Suzhou Yuexin Micro Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. and Baoji Xingyuteng Measurement and Control Equipment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises conducted roadshows on their own products and projects. Representatives of Baoji automobile industry, urban pipe network and other enterprises introduced the product demand.


Baoji Quality and Technology Inspection and Testing Center sign cooperation agreement


 On the same day, Weibin District and Baoji Quality and Technology Inspection and Testing Center signed a strategic cooperation agreement on testing services for sensor enterprises. According to reports, in order to support the development of Baoji sensor industry and speed up the construction of "Western Sensor Capital", Baoji Quality and Technology Inspection and Testing Center will provide efficient and convenient testing services for Baoji sensor enterprises in the fields of measurement and testing, measurement and control, and key technology research.


Intelligent sensor industry development conference market docking special session activity site


Six projects including industrialization of high-end MEMS sensors, flow and temperature collectors, intelligent product wiring harnesses and sensor matching, development of new platform for light trucks, integrated application of temperature sensors and flow and liquid level sensors were signed in the market docking project. The special event of market docking accelerates the interoperability and integration of sensor industry chain and supply chain by building a docking platform for supply and demand of enterprises, and promotes the high-quality development of Baoji sensor industry.


To speed up the construction of the "Western Sensor Capital", the 2023 Smart Sensor Industry Development Conference was held grandly-China.exportsemi.com

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