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China MOBILE IOT Company Limited.

China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., and is the main responsible enterprise of China Mobile in the field of Internet of Things. The company is positioned as the forger of the core competence of the Internet of Things, the leader of the professional market of the Internet of Things, the supporter of the whole Internet of Things business, and the demonstrator of the reform of scientific and technological enterprises.

China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. actively implements the development strategic plan of China Mobile Group, aiming at "making new scale", "forging new capabilities", "creating new mechanisms" and "planning new layout", opening new bureaus around "four innovations", and constantly promoting industrial digitalization and digital industrialization. The company focuses on the capacity building and market expansion of the Internet of Things business, focusing on the basic general capabilities of the Internet of Things, video Internet of Things (VIoT), intelligent Internet of Things (AIoT) and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to build core technologies and products of the Internet of Things to support the development of the Internet of Things business in the whole network.


Figure1: headquarter of China Mobile


Digital economy empowers thousands of businesses, and 5G convergence drives the Internet of Everything. China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. will seize the opportunity of digital intelligence transformation and join hands with partners from all walks of life to jointly open a new chapter in the development of digital economy!


>China MOBILE IOT Company Limited.-China.exportsemi.com

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