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The ranking of the top 100 innovative institutions in the world in 2024 was released: Samsung is No.1 and Huawei is No.7

  • There are 5 in Chinese mainland, namely Huawei (rank 7), BOE (rank 12), Tencent (rank 16), Ant Group (rank 52) and ACC Technology (rank 84)
  • There are 11 in Taiwan, China
  • Samsung ranks first
  • Japan ranks first in the list (38), followed by the United States (17)

Recently, Clarivate Analytics, as the world's leading professional information service provider, released the evaluation and ranking report of "Top 100 Global Innovation Institutions in 2024". The report aims to recognize enterprises and institutions that lead the world in the field of technology research and innovation.

Clarivate Analytics pointed out that being selected as one of the top 100 innovation institutions in the world needs to cross two basic thresholds: the total number of inventions disclosed since 2000 has exceeded 500, and the number of authorized inventions has exceeded 100 during the five-year evaluation period in 2024. These thresholds require candidate institutions to achieve a certain number of inventive activities. The selected top 100 innovation institutions have made outstanding achievements in continuously investing in innovation, and they spare no effort to persist in innovation, go further and lead the future development direction.

Being selected as one of the top 100 innovative institutions in the world means that they have achieved innovative achievements beyond the benchmark, and it has become their normal state to lead in technology and break the routine. These institutions surpass 99.99% of innovators in the world and are excellent models.

From the perspective of country/region distribution, the number of listed institutions from Japan remains high, with a total of 38 enterprises on the list, reflecting Japan's strong position in the global innovation field. More than half of the top 10 companies are from Japan, covering many industries such as electronics, computer equipment and automobiles. Although Japan occupies a prominent position, the number of institutions on the list is the same as last year, so its share in the list of the top 100 innovative institutions in the world has not changed.

The second place is the United States, with 17 on the list. At the same time, the number of Chinese mainland selected as one of the top 100 innovative institutions in the world this year has increased compared with last year, with a total of five. Asia continues to expand its leading position in the global innovation ecosystem, with 62 enterprises on the list in 2024. Among the top 1000 innovative institutions in the world, the upward trend in the Asia-Pacific region continues, and the average ranking of innovative institutions in Chinese mainland, Taiwan Province, Japan and South Korea is expected to improve.


Figure 1: Distribution of Top 100 Innovative Institutions in the World in 2021


In the future, from the industry average ranking, the average ranking of listed institutions in high-tech industries such as telecommunications, software, media and financial technology is expected to rise.


Figure 2: Ranking of the Top 100 Innovative Institutions in the World in 2024 (Data from Clarivate Analytics)


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