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AI Market Drives Demand, Samsung NAND Flash Capacity Utilization Reaches 90 Percent

Against the backdrop of global digital transformation and the rapid development of AI technologies, there is a growing demand for high-performance storage solutions. Especially driven by AI servers and new AI PC products, the market demand for NAND Flash flash memory is expanding, a trend that is having a significant impact on the capacity utilization of memory chip manufacturers.

Samsung Electronics, the world's leading memory chip maker, has recently increased its capacity utilization of NAND Flash Flash memory to 90 percent, compared to 80 percent in the first quarter, an improvement that shows a significant pickup in market demand. This adjustment by Samsung Electronics is a direct response to the growth in market demand brought about by the development of AI technology.

The rapid development of AI technology, especially in the field of AI servers, has created a huge demand for high-capacity, high-speed storage devices. Demand for enterprise-grade solid state drives (SSDs), a key component of AI servers, has increased. Cloud computing service providers in North America and China have begun to increase their purchases of enterprise-class storage in order to meet the growing market demand for AI services.

The entry of new AI PC products into the market is expected to drive the growth in demand for high-performance DRAM and also expand the market demand for NAND Flash flash memory. The CPUs configured in AI PCs are fully compatible with DRAMs of DDR5, LPDDR5, and LPDDR5x specifications, and as AI processing requires high-capacity SSDs to store data, this will further drive the demand for growth in demand for DRAM and NAND Flash flash memory.

Despite the growing trend in market demand for NAND Flash flash memory, Samsung is maintaining a cautious approach to increasing production to avoid adversely affecting market prices. Samsung Electronics said in its previous earnings meeting that the continuation of the production reduction trend is still necessary as the NAND Flash inventory level of its major customers is still high.

The booming AI market has brought new development opportunities for storage chip makers. Samsung Electronics is proactively responding to market changes by increasing NAND Flash capacity utilization to meet the growing demand for AI storage. With the continuous advancement of AI technology and the expansion of application areas, the demand for high-performance storage chips is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, bringing a new round of growth momentum to the entire storage chip market.

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