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Sic Semiconductor and the Future of the Industry

Silicon carbide, as a representative of the third generation of semiconductor materials, is gradually emerging in the field of high-power, high-frequency, high-temperature electronic devices. sic's physical characteristics such as forbidden bandwidth, breakdown field strength, and electron saturation drift speed make it a qualitative leap forward on the basis of silicon materials. With the continuous progress of technology and growing market demand, SiC semiconductor industry is ushering in a new period of rapid development.

Sic semiconductor devices, characterized by high temperature resistance, high voltage resistance, high frequency and high efficiency, show great application potential in many fields such as new energy vehicles, photovoltaic energy storage, 5G communications, industrial control and so on. Especially in the field of new energy vehicles, Sic devices can effectively reduce energy loss and improve system efficiency, which has become an important driving force for the development of the industry.

According to market research organizations predict that the Sic market will maintain high growth in the next few years. With the maturity of Sic device manufacturing technology and the realization of large-scale production, cost reduction will promote the application of Sic devices in more fields, is expected to 2027 global Sic power device market size will reach billions of dollars.

Despite the obvious performance advantages of Sic devices, their preparation process is complex and costly. Currently, the manufacturing technology of devices such as SiC MOSFETs is more demanding, especially the formation of the gate oxide layer is more challenging. However, with the continuous breakthroughs in technology and the expansion of mass production scale, the cost of SiC devices is gradually decreasing, and is expected to be more competitive in the market in the next few years.

International companies such as Wolfspeed, ROHM and Infineon are in the leading position in the Sic field, while domestic enterprises such as Tianke Heda and Tianyue Advanced are also actively laying out, expanding production capacity and upgrading technology. The competition and cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises are promoting the rapid development of SiC industry chain.

The Chinese government has listed the silicon carbide industry as a strategic emerging industry and promoted the development of the domestic Sic industry chain through policy support and funding. Domestic enterprises continue to make technological breakthroughs in substrate, epitaxial, device manufacturing and other links, and the localization process is accelerating.

The rapid development of the SiC industry requires the synergistic progress of the whole industry chain such as substrate, epitaxial, device manufacturing and packaging. At present, the substrate and epitaxial link is the main component of the cost of SiC devices, improve the quality of the substrate, reduce the cost of epitaxial is to promote the development of the SiC industry is the key.

The global SiC market currently presents the pattern of leading technology and market dominance of international enterprises, but with the continuous maturity of domestic enterprises technology and production capacity expansion, is expected to occupy a more important position in the global market.

SiC semiconductor materials have obvious advantages in specific areas, but due to cost and technology and other factors, SiC is unlikely to completely replace silicon materials. In the future, SiC and silicon materials may each play to their strengths in different areas, forming a complementary relationship. Overall, the Sic semiconductor industry has a bright future, and as the technology matures and the market develops, SiC will play a more important role in promoting the development of new-generation electronic devices.

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