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Lenovo Ali Partners to Create Artificial Intelligence Products

In the global technology industry's constant pursuit of innovation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually becoming a new engine to drive the development of the personal computer (PC) industry. Lenovo, as a globally recognized PC manufacturer, continues to deepen its strategic layout in the field of AI, and cooperates with Alibaba and other top domestic companies to build AI-powered personal computers, leading the PC industry into a new brand era.

Lenovo unveiled a series of AI PC products with built-in personal intelligence "Lenovo Xiaotian" at the Lenovo Innovation & Technology Conference 2024. These products have five innovative features:

  1. Intelligent body embedded with personal big model to interact with users naturally: Lenovo Xiaotian is able to understand users' natural language and intentions and provide personalized services.
  2. Personal Knowledge Base: builds a personal knowledge base for users to deepen the understanding of user behavior and preferences.
  3. Local heterogeneous AI computing power: Combines CPU, GPU and NPU to provide powerful local computing power.
  4. Open AI application ecosystem: Build an open AI application ecosystem and encourage developers to innovate.
  5. Personal data and privacy security protection: ensure user data security and protect user privacy.

These features together constitute the core advantages of Lenovo's AI PCs, signaling that the PC industry will shift from pure hardware performance competition to a new era that pays more attention to user experience and intelligent services.

Lenovo's cooperation with Alibaba is an important part of their strategic layout in the AI field. Alibaba, as a leading domestic Internet company, has a deep accumulation in cloud computing, big data, AI technology and other aspects. Through the cooperation with Alibaba, Lenovo can further integrate resources, accelerate the application of AI technology in PC products, and provide users with a richer and more convenient intelligent experience.

The release of Lenovo AI PC not only demonstrates Lenovo's technical strength in the field of AI, but also points out the direction for the development of the entire PC industry. With the continuous progress of AI technology, future PCs will be more intelligent and personalized, and will be able to better meet the needs of users in work, study and entertainment. Lenovo's cooperation with Alibaba and other companies will promote the rapid popularization of AI PCs and allow more users to enjoy the convenience of AI technology.

Lenovo Group's innovation in the field of AI PCs and its cooperation with Alibaba signify that the personal computer industry is ushering in a major change. By continuously promoting the application of AI technology on the ground, Lenovo is working with its partners to create a new decade of AI, to create more intelligent and personalized PC products and solutions for users, and to lead the industry into a new AI-driven era!

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