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The application field of smart sensors be widely applied, and the market demand will continue to rise.

It is reported that high-precision intelligent sensors have the characteristics of low cost and diversified functions. It is a kind of sensor with information processing function, which is the product of the combination of sensor integration and microprocessor. Sensors in many Internet of Things scenarios have the characteristics of intelligent sensors.

In the future Internet of Things era, intelligent sensor BPW85C will become the mainstream of the market. Among them, smart industry, smart home, smart medical care, smart car, smart agriculture and other Internet of Things scenarios will be the most likely popular fields in the future Internet of Things field.



Intelligent industrial sensor is the foundation of realizing industry 4.0

Industrial sensors are characterized by high performance index and precision, and no errors are allowed in data acquisition and processing. Different from traditional industrial sensors, intelligent industrial sensors will be used in intelligent manufacturing, which puts forward stricter requirements for their accuracy, stability and impact resistance.

It is understood that Industry 4.0 has become part of the national strategy. Intelligent manufacturing is the key to national industrial transformation, and intelligent industrial sensors play an increasingly important role in manufacturing. In the future, the demand for intelligent industrial sensors based on Industry 4.0 will greatly increase, which is also the biggest opportunity faced by industrial sensor manufacturers.


Smart Home Brings Growth Space for Sensors

 One of the main features of smart home is to control household items. With the development of Internet of Things, more and more sensors will be used in household appliances, such as washing machines, televisions, refrigerators, lights and air conditioners. With the popularization of smart home, products such as range hood without sensors will become the main battlefield of sensors.

Sensors will be the standard of smart home products. For example, a pressure sensor can be used to monitor the amount of foam in a washing machine; Photoelectric sensor is used to control bulb; Electromagnetic sensors can be used in dishwasher to realize the movement of water spray arm, and flow sensors and intelligent gas sensors are of great use.



The demand for intelligent sensors in intelligent medical care is increasing

 Intelligent medical treatment uses Internet of Things technology to realize the interaction between patients, medical staff and medical equipment. With the development of technology, there are more and more kinds of sensors used in intelligent medical treatment, but one of their commonalities is that they have intelligent sensors. The core part of its work is to collect patient information, store, transmit and process it. In the process of image transmission and massive data calculation, each sensor needs intelligent processing functions, such as MEMS pressure sensors for measuring patients' blood pressure, studying sleep apnea, monitoring and measuring body surface temperature, etc.

With the development of Internet of Things technology, wireless medical sensors are gradually intelligent and miniaturized. With the development of low power consumption, sensors will be more and more widely used in the field of intelligent medical care. Scientists have developed a new sensor that can be used to diagnose eye trauma, foreign media reported. It can judge the severity of eye trauma according to the concentration of vitamin C in human tears. Recently, scientists studied a swallowing heart rate sensor only the size of a capsule. After swallowing, patients can measure their vital signs and other data, and transmit the information to a receiver for doctors to monitor remotely.



The market prospect of agricultural sensors is broad

Intelligent agriculture is the key to building China into an agricultural power. In the future agricultural production, Internet of Things sensors and related technologies will be widely used. Agricultural Internet of Things consists of intelligent water quality sensors, wireless sensor networks, wireless communication and so on, which together constitute a complete intelligent agricultural system, and sensors are the first step to realize these.

Internet of Things agriculture is based on information technology. In the process of agricultural production, data are collected by sensors for quantitative analysis and intelligent decision-making. Agricultural production environment is very complex, and different scenes need different sensors, such as air temperature, humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, etc. All these data collection needs to use corresponding intelligent agricultural sensors.


The application field of smart sensors be widely applied, and the market demand will continue to rise.-China exportsemi.com

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