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Technology of Storage Continues to be Optimized, Promote Comprehensive Development of Information Technology Application Innovation Industry

2020 is the first year of information technology application innovation industry. The National Development and Reform Commission issued the Guiding Opinions on Expanding Investment in Strategic Emerging Industries, Cultivating and Expanding Growth Poles of New Growth Points, proposing to speed up key technology research such as chips, high-end components and new display devices at the enterprise level, promote the construction of key projects, and expand reasonable and effective investment. Information technology application innovation industry products and applications have been promoted from the fields of finance and party and government to the industries of electric power, transportation, medical care and education, and have been promoted from a small-scale pilot to a comprehensive promotion.

Memory becomes the core component

Memory is a key component of Information technology application innovation industry's basic hardware, which plays an important role in computer system and can support all aspects of Information technology application innovation industry's development. Memory can store and process a large amount of data, which is the basic facility of Information technology application innovation industry. Together with network equipment, chips, servers and firmware, it constitutes the basic hardware of Information technology application innovation industry.

There are many factors that promote the development of memory, which are also closely related to the development of information technology. With the continuous development of computer technology, the capacity and performance of memory is constantly improving, which supports the operation of various information systems, such as operating system, database, middleware and so on. In contrast, the development of memory can also drive the development of other related industries, such as chip manufacturing and software development.



Information technology application innovation industry is driven by technological innovation, mainly including cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc. Memory is the core component of Information technology application innovation industry, which is very important to promote the development of Information technology application innovation industry. With the comprehensive promotion of Information technology application innovation industry products and applications in transportation, medical care, electric power and other fields, the demand for higher performance memory is also increasing.

In the core technology, read-write technology is the core technology that affects memory. Memory mainly includes random access memory and read-only memory, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages: random access memory has faster reading and writing speed and stores a large amount of data, but its disadvantages are also obvious, such as high power consumption and higher cost; In contrast, read-only memory has the characteristics of non-volatility and stability, relatively simple structure and relatively convenient reading operation, but the reading and writing speed is relatively slow and the capacity is relatively limited.

In addition, there is data protection technology, which mainly protects the data in the memory to prevent the data from being modified and deleted. Chip integration technology is to integrate multiple memory chips together to improve the capacity and performance of memory.


Continue to optimize and help Information technology application innovation industry promote

With the rapid development of technological innovation and continuous breakthroughs in technology, the capacity and performance of memory are continuously optimized. In 1960s, after the emergence of integrated circuits, memory technology also developed rapidly. Previously, storage mainly relied on hard disks. In 1970s and 1980s, memory technology made further development. In 1990s, many new memory technologies appeared, and the capacity and performance of memory were constantly improved. At present, memory has not only made great progress in capacity, speed and power consumption, but also accelerated the integration of various technologies to meet the needs of different application scenarios. 



However, although great progress has been made in memory technology, there are still some pain points in technology research and development. First of all, with the comprehensive promotion of Information technology application innovation industry in various fields, the demand for memory is increasing, but in terms of practical application, there is still room for optimization in capacity and performance. Secondly, there are many types of memory involved in Information technology application innovation industry, and the cost of different types of memory is quite different. On the whole, the cost is relatively high, which also limits the popularization of memory in Information technology application innovation industry, and cost reduction is also an important demand. In addition, where there is data, there is a security requirement, and the security and reliability of the memory also need to be optimized, which will also increase the cost of the memory.

In the long run, the capacity and performance of memory will be continuously improved, the cost will be continuously reduced, and the security and reliability will be continuously improved. With the continuous development of emerging technologies such as cloud computing and big data, memory will also play a more important role in these fields, helping the comprehensive promotion of Information technology application innovation industry.


Information technology application innovation industry accelerates, and domestic substitution becomes a trend

Since 2022, information security-related policies have been intensively introduced, which has helped the party and government and financial innovation to promote in an all-round way, and at the same time, it has also defined the path for the application of other industries. At the beginning of last year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Promoting National Government Information", which clearly stated that it is necessary to basically realize the safe and reliable application of government information. At the same time, the State Council issued the "Digital Economy Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan", which requires filling the shortcomings of key technologies and focusing on breaking through high-end chips, operating systems and industrial software.

In the financial field, the People's Bank of China, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and China UnionPay have also issued a number of policies. At the beginning of last year, the central bank issued the Financial Technology Development Plan (2022-2025), proposing to deepen the financial application of digital technology and improve the application system of scientific and technological achievements with equal emphasis on safety and efficiency. In April, the central bank issued the Financial Stability Law, emphasizing the safety of financial infrastructure and paying attention to the financial IT industry chain under the trend of independent control. In addition, China UnionPay has also issued the "Guidelines for Evaluating the Capability of Innovative Products in Financial Information Technology Application of China UnionPay" and so on. It can be seen that policies have been intensively introduced in the fields of party and government and finance, and Information technology application innovation industry is accelerating its comprehensive promotion.



In this process, memory is one of the key components of Information technology application innovation industry, and the continuous development of technology can help Information technology application innovation industry to be fully promoted in various fields. In realizing self-control, mastering the core technology of memory is of great significance to information security. Through independent research and development and technological innovation, realizing self-control of memory can avoid being restricted by foreign technologies and products.

As the basic hardware of Information technology application innovation industry, the memory can support the operation of various information systems and meet the promotion needs of Information technology application innovation industry. It is worth noting that localization is an important trend, and memory needs to be localized through independent research and development and technological innovation to reduce costs and risks.

This year is the fourth year of Information technology application innovation industry's comprehensive promotion. As one of the key components of Information technology application innovation industry, memory will greatly help Information technology application innovation industry's comprehensive promotion with the gradual realization of independent control and localization process and continuous improvement of safety and reliability.


Technology of Storage Continues to be Optimized, Promote Comprehensive Development of Information Technology Application Innovation Industry-China.exportsemi.com

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