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BEIDOU Builds an Independent Controllable Time and Coordinate Reference Systems, and Guards Spatio-temporal Security with Chip

Chip is one of the important symbols to measure a country's comprehensive strength and the core and cornerstone of information industry. At present, the development of global digitalization is accelerating day by day, and spatio-temporal information and positioning and navigation services have become important new infrastructures. As a major strategic space-time infrastructure in China, BEIDOU satellite navigation system is providing accurate time and location information for the lifeline of national economy such as transportation, finance, communication, energy and electricity, which is the basis for ensuring the safe operation of important national facilities.

With the scale application of BEIDOU entering the critical stage of marketization, industrialization and internationalization, BEIDOU chip "hard technology", as the key base of BEIDOU ground application, is also being paid more attention and attention by more people. Shenzhen ALLYSTAR Technology Co., Ltd., as the leading enterprise in the field of BEIDOU GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellite navigation and positioning chips in China, always keeps up with the strategic layout of national science and technology innovation, adheres to the development concept of "focusing on chips, investing in chips and innovating in chips", deeply cultivates the research and development and application of satellite navigation and positioning chips, constantly breaks through innovation, and guards China's time and space information security with BEIDOU chip.


Utilize chips to build China’s independent and controllable spatio-temporal benchmark

Spatio-temporal information is the key element for human beings to use information resources to serve production and life, and BEIDOU chip is the application cornerstone of building China's spatio-temporal information security. In the era of Internet of Everything, the position information and time data provided by BEIDOU navigation, positioning and timing technology are the core keys to connect the "virtual" and "real" world, and the innovative application of spatio-temporal information and other data integration is the core resource and innovation main line to realize intelligent information service. Since the development of BEIDOU system in China, it has been proposed that the construction of BEIDOU system is to master the national independent and controllable time and space benchmarks and provide ubiquitous services. 



BEIDOU navigation and positioning information is the key information in spatio-temporal data, and its authenticity and confidentiality are the prerequisites for the safety and reliability of various applications. Once the accurate navigation and positioning data is tampered with and stolen, it will cause serious economic losses, and even endanger people and even important equipment, infrastructure and national defense security. How to avoid that information being stolen and tampered with in the transmission link has become the urgent need of BEIDOU industry application. Designing a hardware encryption unit in BEIDOU chip to realize "source-level" location information encryption output is the key to solve this hidden danger, and will also provide the underlying security support for industrial applications based on location information.

BEIDOU GNSS satellite navigation and positioning chip developed by ALLYSTAR supports "source-level" location information security encryption technology, encrypts the transmitted data, ensures the confidentiality of the transmitted data, meets the requirements of BEIDOU location information security and trusted location service in key important industries, ensures the intrinsic security of China's spatio-temporal information from the technical level, and builds a secure base for China's digital construction.

BEIDOU chip is the key guarantee for BEIDOU application to be autonomous and controllable. BEIDOU chip industry, as the upstream of BEIDOU industrial chain, is the foundation and support of industrial development. Improving the technical level of BEIDOU satellite navigation and positioning chips, launching products with higher performance and better cost performance, getting rid of the dependence on high-end chip products of foreign manufacturers, and realizing effective localization substitution are the key steps to ensure the independent and controllable application of BEIDOU. Only by relying on independent, controllable and advanced BEIDOU chips can we completely solve the potential threats to BEIDOU application and space-time information security in China.

BEIDOU chip builds a solid foundation for the construction of national integrated PNT (Positioning, Navigation and Timing) system. At present, China is accelerating the construction of national comprehensive PNT system with BEIDOU system as the core, with the goal of providing a safe, reliable, better performance, ubiquitous and ever-present time and space infrastructure. By 2035, China will build a more ubiquitous, integrated and intelligent national integrated positioning and navigation time service system. After the signal of satellite navigation and positioning system is transmitted to the ground through satellite, the core technology is that the chip receives the signal and solves it, so as to obtain accurate position and time information. Therefore, the basic capability of the whole BEIDOU The chip developed by ALLYSTAR is located in the key link of BEIDOU industrial chain and the core part of the ground receiving section, which has built a solid foundation for the completely independent and controllable application of national integrated PNT system.



BEIDOU chip will promote industrial integration, innovation and development. With the increasing demand for spatio-temporal information in various industrial application fields, the development of BEIDOU industry must integrate innovative applications in order to realize the application development of BEIDOU industry and promote the innovation of industrial application technology and application mode. Satellite navigation and positioning chip, as the core position information, is the key factor of information fusion. Improving the technical level of BEIDOU satellite navigation and positioning chip can not only promote the integration of industrial data and information, but also promote the technological development of all walks of life and upgrade the industrial structure.


Chip-level BEIDOU high-precision positioning solution empowers the industry to develop with high quality and safety

BEIDOU global system construction has been opened and operated stably for more than two years. In key industries, domestic BEIDOU chip enterprises represented by ALLYSTAR are accelerating core technology research and constantly breaking through technical difficulties. Through independent research and development, chips such as frequency emission and baseband are highly integrated to realize high-precision board "chipping", reduce the cost and threshold of high-precision positioning application, provide high-performance, low-cost and cost-effective chip-level BEIDOU high-precision positioning solutions for industrial applications, promote the large-scale application of domestic BEIDOU chips, and support the high-quality development of BEIDOU industry.

In order to fill the gap in the field of meteorological sounding satellite navigation chips in China, the Meteorological Exploration Center of China Meteorological Administration and domestic BEIDOU chip manufacturers successfully developed the "Spring Equinox I" meteorological sounding chip module. After repeated experiments, the chip module has obvious advantages such as high precision positioning, high integration, high reliability, low power consumption, low cost, hardware standardization and data processing standardization. Once the meteorological special module is launched, it will break the monopoly of satellite navigation chip technology in the international sounding market. In July 2019, the first batch of "Spring Equinox I" went offline. On May 1, 2021, a new radiosonde equipped with this chip module was successfully launched at Anqing Radiosonde Station in Anhui Province. The chip module can support BEIDOU satellite navigation system, Global Positioning System (GPS) and other navigation systems. At present, China's weather forecast has fully realized "single BEIDOU independent positioning", ensuring the safety of basic data.

Time is closely related to our social life, and a unified and accurate time benchmark is the fundamental guarantee for the safe networking of power, telecommunications and financial networks; It provides accurate time-frequency synchronization for high-speed train communication and dispatching and radio and television digital signal transmission system. It is the application of domestic single BEIDOU high-precision timing chip that can provide basic capability guarantee for "China Time" and get rid of the current situation of over-reliance on GPS timing.



The multifunctional single BEIDOU intelligent ship-borne terminal independently developed by China has been put into use in the Three Gorges section of the Yangtze River, and will be installed and used for 180,000 ships in the Yangtze River one after another. The shipborne terminal integrates domestic BEIDOU navigation dual-frequency positioning chip, supports BEIDOU-3 system, has high positioning accuracy, fast starting speed, and more timely and accurate acquisition of ship position information. With the independent positioning capability of the single BEIDOU system, the safety of shipping location information of the Yangtze River can be ensured. The multifunctional single BEIDOU intelligent ship-borne terminal is a prominent application of BEIDOU satellite navigation technology in the field of smart shipping, which will provide technical support for the Yangtze River shipping to build a safe, smooth, efficient and convenient "water expressway", help the construction of smart shipping, and promote the high-quality and safe development of Yangtze River shipping.


Accelerate the development of BEIDOU satellite navigation and positioning chip industry from a strategic perspective

"Guided by the national strategic needs, gather strength to carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, and resolutely win the tough battle of key core technologies" and "accelerate the construction of manufacturing power, quality power, space power, transportation power, network power and digital China". The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the goal and direction for the development of BEIDOU industry.

In the past few decades, China has continuously achieved breakthroughs by means of "concentrating on doing great things". The sound development of domestic satellite navigation and positioning chips and their industrial chain requires the joint efforts of the state, research institutes and enterprises. Consistent with "improving the new national system for tackling key core technologies", the state and competent departments can select satellite navigation and positioning chip enterprises with strong technological innovation capability, formed scale and certain market share according to the existing industrial base and development situation, and give key support and capital investment to enterprises with great development potential, so as to help enterprises become better and stronger and form a leading effect as soon as possible. Through the integration of industrial resources by leading enterprises with state-owned assets, we can promote industrial development, solve the current problem of "scattered and weak", drive the high-quality development of BEIDOU industry with "core", and support and serve BEIDOU's global application national strategy with "core".

ALLYSTAR will uphold its initial intention, continue to increase investment in research and development, continuously increase its weight on the road of independent research and development, and continuously carry out iterative upgrading of chip technology with the support of national policies.


BEIDOU builds an independent controllable time and space benchmark and guards time and space information security with "core"-China exportsemi Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

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