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The total output value of the satellite navigation and positioning services industry is project exceed 500 billion yuan in 2022, representing a year-on-year growth of 6.76%

On May 18th, China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association released the White Paper on the Development of China's Satellite Navigation and Location Service Industry in 2023 in Beijing. The white paper shows that the total output value of China's satellite navigation and location service industry will reach 500.7 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 6.76% over 2021. Among them, the core output value of the industry, including chips, devices, algorithms, software, navigation data, terminal equipment and infrastructure directly related to the research and development and application of satellite navigation technology, increased by 5.05% year-on-year to 152.7 billion yuan, accounting for 30.50% of the total output value.

According to the white paper, the related output value driven by satellite navigation applications and services increased by 7.54% year-on-year, reaching 348 billion yuan, accounting for 69.50% of the total output value. At present, the total number of enterprises and institutions in the field of satellite navigation and location services in China remains around 14,000, and the number of employees exceeds 500,000. By the end of 2022, there were 92 related enterprises listed in China, and the related output value of listed companies related to satellite navigation and location services accounted for about 9.02% of the total output value of the whole country.

According to the white paper, in 2022, the overall application scale of BEIDOU is still steadily increasing, the promotion mechanism is further improved, the infrastructure is more perfect, new progress has been made in standardization construction, the testing and certification system is increasingly strengthened, key areas are also continuously exerted, and international cooperation has achieved steady development. The large-scale application of BEIDOU is opening a new chapter in the development of marketization, industrialization and internationalization.

In 2023, with the implementation of major strategies such as new national infrastructure and digital economy, spatio-temporal big data, urban and rural digital bases, unmanned systems and intelligent information services are booming, further expanding the broad market of BEIDOU spatio-temporal information application and service, and promoting the deepening application of satellite navigation and location services in various industries and fields. The market activity is expected to bottom out and rebound, and the overall economic benefits of the industry will also show a trend of stabilization and recovery.


Figure1: industrial development is increase


Industrial development is generally stable, and the three major markets continue to improve

The white paper shows that the domestic satellite navigation and location service market is generally stable in 2022. According to the research and analysis of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, the total sales volume of domestic satellite navigation and positioning terminal products in 2022 is about 376 million units/set, of which the shipments of smart phones with satellite navigation and positioning functions reach 264 million units, and the sales volume of vehicle navigator market terminals exceeds 12 million units. The sales volume of various positioning terminal equipment including Internet of Things, wearable, vehicle-mounted and high precision exceeds 100 million units/set.

In terms of professional application market, according to incomplete statistics, as of the fourth quarter of 2022, 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government have promoted and applied more than 20 million BEIDOU terminals. Transportation, public security, agriculture and other industries have initially realized the large-scale application of BEIDOU, and are accelerating the large-scale application of BEIDOU in the fields of communication timing, meteorological monitoring, emergency disaster reduction and urban management.

Among them, the transportation field has promoted and applied more than 8.1 million BEIDOU terminals in road operating vehicles, postal express vehicles, inland ships and ocean-going ships, water navigation facilities, and general aircraft; In the field of mobile communication, nearly 3.3 million 4G and 5G base stations have applied BEIDOU timing; In the agricultural field, nearly 1.6 million BEIDOU terminals have been popularized and applied in automatic driving of agricultural machinery, remote monitoring of agricultural machinery and fishing boats. In addition, the high-precision market is developing rapidly. In 2022, the total sales volume of various high-precision application terminals in the domestic market will exceed 2 million units/set, of which more than 80% will use domestic high-precision chips or modules.


Figure2: application areas of BEIDOU satellite


Professional application of BEIDOU

In the mass market, the BEIDOU Navigation Satellite System (BDS) will further integrate into people's daily lives in 2022, making it more tangible for the general public. This will create more application scenarios and significantly expand the application scale of the BDS in the mass market. BAIDU Map and GAODE Map have announced that they have officially switched to BEIDOU priority positioning, and the average daily usage of BEIDOU positioning service has exceeded 360 billion times. Since the BEIDOU inspection and certification system was officially released in March 2021, BEIDOU certification certificates have been issued to nearly 20 smart phones of OPPO, VIVO, APPLE, XIAOMI, HONOR and other enterprises, and a variety of smart two-wheeled vehicles Hellobike, MEITUAN and other enterprises, paving the way for BEIDOU applications to fully enter the mass market.

Meanwhile, BEIDOU is becoming the standard configuration of smart phones. In 2022, domestic smart phone shipments reached 264 million units, of which 260 million mobile phones supported BEIDOU function, accounting for 98.5%. At present, most of the mobile apps involved in map service, navigation and shopping in China already support BEIDOU application. The world's first mobile phone supporting BEIDOU-3 regional short message communication service has been officially released. Users can send short messages through BEIDOU satellite without changing cards, numbers or adding peripherals. By the end of 2022, a total of 24 provincial administrative regions in China had issued autonomous driving policy documents, including the first local regulation on the management of intelligent networked vehicles in China, Regulations on the Management of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In 2022, there will be more than 200 investment and financing projects in the field of intelligent networked vehicles, with a total financing amount of nearly 100 billion yuan.

In addition, smart wearable devices with positioning, monitoring and other functions have made great progress in intelligent old-age care, and have opened up new application scenarios such as intelligent sports. In 2022, about 120 million units will be shipped in China's wearable market (including smart wearable devices with positioning and monitoring functions), of which more than 35 million units have GNSS positioning functions.

In 2022, BEIDOU special application market maintained steady growth. In the field of disaster prevention and mitigation, as of June 2022, "BEIDOU + Safety Intelligent Monitoring and Early Warning Cloud Platform" has been successfully applied to more than 600 structures in transportation, water conservancy, geological disasters, housing construction, emergency, energy, mining, environment and other industries or fields in 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government), with more than 8,000 monitoring points deployed and 600 safety warnings completed

According to incomplete statistics, as of the fourth quarter of 2022, the public security industry has promoted and applied more than 4.5 million BEIDOU terminals in information collection, mobile policing, communication support and command and dispatch; Nearly 110,000 BEIDOU terminals have been promoted in the fields of forest and grassland fire prevention, forestry inspection, forest administration and law enforcement, pest investigation, hydrological monitoring, etc., and the application of route planning and navigation, personnel and vehicle positioning, forest and grass patrol, disaster monitoring, personnel safety management and other services has been realized.

The white paper pointed out that with the ubiquitous, embedded, invisible, standard and business development of BEIDOU application, more market demand in the future will gradually change from the need for positioning, navigation and timing technology and integrated location services to the need for spatio-temporal information collection and service, which will make BEIDOU's application scale become larger, application scenarios and modes become more diversified, and the market will be redefined, forming a new economic form focusing on spatio-temporal information acquisition, processing and service, and will surely become an important part of the digital economy.


The advantages of regional agglomeration are obvious, which helps the high-quality development of the industry

In 2022, the five major industrial regions and key industrial development cities with traditional development advantages actively combined with the development needs of major national strategic regions and their own characteristics, and further strengthened and comprehensively laid out the satellite navigation and location service industries, consolidating the characteristic advantages of regional development and maintaining steady growth as a whole. According to research statistics, in 2022, the comprehensive output value of the five regions will be about 377.8 billion yuan, accounting for 75.44% of the total output value of the whole country.

Among them, the comprehensive output value of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region reached 104.8 billion yuan, Pearl River Delta region reached 102.8 billion yuan, Yangtze River Delta region reached 76.9 billion yuan, Central China region reached 49.7 billion yuan and Western region reached 43.6 billion yuan. According to incomplete statistics, as of the fourth quarter of 2022, more than 13 million BEIDOU terminals have been popularized and applied in five major regions. From the perspective of a larger national major regional development strategy, nearly 17 million BEIDOU terminals have been popularized and applied in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Hainan Free Trade Port, Yellow River Basin and Yangtze River Economic Belt.


Figure3: distribution of output value in key areas of satellite navigation and location service industry


Distribution of Output Value in Key Areas of Satellite Navigation and Location Service Industry in China

Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Hebei, Henan, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other provinces and cities covered and involved in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Economic Belt and Yellow River Basin have further increased policy support, and successively issued plans to develop the whole chain BEIDOU satellite industrial cluster, supporting technological innovation in BEIDOU field, supporting BEIDOU to give priority to large-scale application, cultivating and expanding satellite navigation market players, promoting the development of industrial clusters, and jointly promoting BEIDOU, 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies in emergency rescue, surveying and mapping, deformation monitoring, intelligent driving, geographic information, land space planning, farmland protection, geological disaster prevention and other fields

In addition, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other major national strategic regions have also stepped up efforts in infrastructure interconnection and building BEIDOU location service platform, forming the regional integration service capability of satellite positioning reference service system and the concurrent navigation and positioning service capability of 100,000 users, further promoting cross-regional cooperation in navigation and positioning services, and accelerating the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Yangtze River Delta. Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and Hubei-Hunan Region, as important parts of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, make great efforts to build a national BEIDOU industrial innovation and development demonstration zone, a national pilot demonstration zone for vehicle networking and a BEIDOU industrial base by taking advantage of the rich scientific research resources in Chongqing and the gathering of geographic information enterprises in Hubei Province.

As an important province in the Yellow River Basin, Shandong, Shanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and other provinces and autonomous regions use BEIDOU to build demonstration applications around ecological monitoring, river survey and management, soil and water conservation, dynamic fishing boat supervision, dry land agriculture in the cold region of Silk Road, etc., and solidly promote ecological protection and high-quality agricultural development in the Yellow River Basin. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area develops the application of BEIDOU in smart port, smart energy, smart construction, etc., promotes the intelligent construction of infrastructure, and effectively contributes to the development of regional characteristics. Hainan Free Trade Port accelerates the construction of high-precision positioning network reference station to meet the application requirements of remote sensing measurement and control, engineering survey, mechanical automation, survey and mapping, hydrological monitoring, earthquake monitoring, emergency communication, etc., and builds a number of intelligent transportation and logistics pilot demonstration projects with Hainan Free Trade Port characteristics, and vigorously promotes the application of BEIDOU +.


The application of "industry + region" has deepened, and the comprehensive benefits of BEIDOU are remarkable

With the implementation of relevant policies and plans of the state and various industries, as well as the increasingly strong demand for economic transformation and upgrading of industries and regions, the application of "+ BEIDOU" has developed rapidly, and its empowerment effect on traditional industries is remarkable. At present, BEIDOU is realizing deep organic integration with various applications, and further developing into industry depth and region. The BEIDOU application service mode of "industry + region" and BEIDOU integration application system are gradually taking shape. On the one hand, the application of BEIDOU industry continues to deepen, forming a deep integration trend with various applications, continuously improving the digital and intelligent development level of the industry, and continuously improving the industry's refined management capabilities and safety controllability; On the other hand, BEIDOU application combines the needs of regional high-quality development, fully taps the market potential, and actively expands the application of BEIDOU spatio-temporal information and location services in vehicle-road coordination, unmanned distribution, intelligent transportation integration, intelligent infrastructure construction, intelligent urban and rural construction, etc., which strongly supports major regional development strategies and injects new kinetic energy into regional construction and economic development transformation and upgrading.

In the fields of transportation, disaster prevention and mitigation, agriculture, electric power, gas, petroleum and petrochemical industries, the time and space information provided by BEIDOU has penetrated into the most basic business links, and the scale of popularization and application of BEIDOU equipment has exceeded 10 million orders of magnitude, which has achieved remarkable economic and social benefits. For example, the application rate of BEIDOU supervised by key operating vehicles is 100%, and BEIDOU is used to supervise the safe and compliant driving of drivers, which greatly reduces the incidence and mortality of traffic accidents; BEIDOU high-precision gas leak detection technology has supported 150 gas companies across the country to detect more than 700,000 kilometers of gas pipelines, significantly reducing the risk of safe operation of gas pipelines; More than 22,000 hidden danger points in 17 provinces in China have installed BEIDOU landslide early warning instruments with low price and low energy consumption, realizing "civil air defense and technical defense", improving disaster early warning capabilities and effectively ensuring the safety of people's lives and property; The application of agricultural machinery BEIDOU has deepened to unmanned farms, and the effects of increasing production, saving energy and generating income are remarkable; BEIDOU positioning navigation, time and frequency service and short message communication applications have been integrated into more than 20 business scenarios in the power industry, and will support the digital transformation and development of the power grid in the future; Sinopec, PetroChina and CNOOC vigorously promote BEIDOU to replace GPS equipment, and actively apply BEIDOU to fully empower the digital and intelligent development of petroleum and petrochemical production and construction in close connection with all aspects of petroleum and petrochemical industry.


Figure4: development of BEIDOU application industry


BEIDOU application deepens development to industry and region

In addition, all provinces, cities and regions in China also actively aim at their own development needs, combine the existing foundation, advantages and characteristics, and vigorously promote the deepening application of BEIDOU spatio-temporal information and location services combined with local traditional economy, so as to achieve an overall improvement in the development level and scale of local BEIDOU industry, thus helping the transformation and upgrading of local economy and high-quality development. For example, in order to meet the needs of digitalization and integration of transportation and logistics in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has carried out application demonstrations of BEIDOU + vehicle-road coordination and BEIDOU + unmanned distribution, which effectively improved the efficiency of road traffic and terminal distribution.

According to the needs of intelligent infrastructure development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, BEIDOU technology has been applied in the construction of Zhuji Intercity Phase II "Four Electricity" Project, Three Gorges Yangjiang Shaba Offshore Wind Power Project, Mawan Cross-sea Passage, Nansandao Bridge and other projects to improve the comprehensive construction efficiency. Combined with the development needs of intelligent and integrated transportation, BEIDOU was applied in the Yangtze River Delta region to realize the cross-regional operation of Shanghai Qingpu, Suzhou Wujiang and Jiashan bus systems in Jiaxing, which promoted the integrated development process. The ongoing BEIDOU Water Conservancy Comprehensive Application Demonstration will also help the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

In addition, Shanxi Province plans to build an industrial system integrating BEIDOU, remote sensing, drones and 5G; Jiangxi Province develops BEIDOU + smart municipal application; Shandong Province will apply BEIDOU to carry out services such as "two high" industry supervision; Deqing, Zhejiang, Yunxi County, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, Dongtai High-tech Zone, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province and other places have built characteristic BEIDOU industrial parks according to their own development orientation. The promotion of BEIDOU application and the construction of characteristic parks in these places will bring new growth points for local economic development.

The white paper points out that with the accelerated transformation and upgrading of China's industrial digitalization, it will surely bring about a new situation in the development of information industry. From unmanned aerial vehicle inspection and mapping to unmanned farms and unmanned ports, automation and unmanned have become the general trend. BEIDOU's role has gradually changed from the initial spatio-temporal information collection to the deep integration with the existing business of the target industry, creating a new working mode and forming a new service format, which has produced remarkable efficiency in terms of safety, accuracy, remoteness, quality improvement and efficiency improvement. This will create a broader market space for BEIDOU's marketization, industrialization and large-scale development.


This article Source: Zhitong Finance


The total output value of the satellite navigation and positioning services industry is projected to exceed 500 billion yuan in 2022, representing a year-on-year growth of 6.76%-China.exportsemi.com



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