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The market for energy storage concept stocks is heating up, and supercapacitors are meet opportunities

On February 9th, influenced by the news of supercapacitors becoming a cutting-edge technology for power-based energy storage, A-share energy storage concept stocks experienced a volatile rise. JIAWEI Renewable Energy and JINGUAN Electric rose by more than 10%, XINPENG Industry shares and LONGZHOU shares limit up, and shares such as SUNOREN Solar Technology, NENGHUI Technology, SINEXCEL and TRINA Solar rose.

Supercapacitor is a new type of power-based energy storage device that possesses characteristics such as short charging time, long lifespan, excellent temperature performance, and environmental friendliness. 2022 is considered the inaugural year for the large-scale implementation of supercapacitors in power regulation and hybrid energy storage fields. During this period, supercapacitors were first applied in China for applications such as integrated fire and energy storage peak shaving and frequency regulation, primary frequency regulation, and integrated onshore energy storage projects.

The supercapacitor industry is currently experiencing steady growth in sectors such as wind power, rail transportation, electrification of vehicles, and smart meters. At the same time, it is witnessing an upward acceleration in areas like grid frequency regulation, hybrid energy storage, and automotive applications. The market prospects for supercapacitors are promising.


 Figure 1: The market prospect of supercapacitor industry can be expected


Supercapacitor is a black technology of power energy storage. The energy density of hybrid supercapacitor has been significantly improved, the upstream materials have been localized, and the cost of super capacity has been continuously reduced. The policy attaches importance to the development of diversified new energy storage technologies, boosting the large-scale landing of pilot demonstration projects, and has triple benefits of technology, cost and policy.

According to the data of Supercapacitor Industry Alliance, the global supercapacitor market is 1.59 billion US dollars in 2021, which is expected to reach 3.7 billion US dollars in 2027, with a compound growth rate of 18% in 2021-2027, and the market space of 10 billion is opening up.


The market for energy storage concept stocks is heating up, and supercapacitors are about to enter a space worth billions of dollars-China exportsemi.com

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