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Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Agility Digit of Foreign Humanoid Robots

Editor:Ana Hu

China exportsemi net


The popularity of AI technology will make great strides forward in the application of the robot industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Innovation and Development of Humanoid Robots". The article mentioned that humanoid robots are expected to become the next generation after computers, smart phones, and new energy vehicles. Disruptive products have great development potential and broad application prospects, and will be a new track for future products. Recently, Sinolink Securities also released the "Robot Industry Research" report. Today, China exportsemi net continues to bring foreign humanoid robot technology to everyone, and Agility Robotics' Digit humanoid robot is today's protagonist.


Agility Robotics: Digit focuses on logistics and distribution, building robot factories to help accelerate mass production

Agility Robotics (hereinafter referred to as Agility) was founded in 2015 as a robotics company spun out of Oregon State University.

——In 2016, Agility released the robot product Cassie. Cassie is a dynamic walking robot that can traverse rough terrain and overcome obstacles.

——In February 2019, Agility improved and launched the humanoid robot Digit based on Cassie, which will be launched in 2020.


Figure 3: Digit helps Amazon employees pick up and move empty suitcases; Agility robot manufacturing factoryFigure 1: History of renewal and transformation of Agility Robotics’ Digit


Released a new version of Digit, mainly used in logistics scenarios

In March 2023, Agility launched a new version of the Digit humanoid robot. This version of the Digit robot is 175 cm tall, weighs less than 65 kg, can carry up to 16 kg, and is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery with a battery life of up to 16 hours. Compared with the old version, the new version of Digit adds a head and a manipulator. The head can provide a human-computer interaction (HRI) focus, and the hands are in the shape of small claws, which can carry, load and unload goods while maintaining balance. According to information on the Agility official website, the new version of Digit is specially designed for logistics work. It is currently mainly used for handling handbags and packages in warehouses. In the future, it is also planned to be used in work scenarios such as cargo unloading and distribution.

Figure 2: Digit robot appearance and its main application scenariosFigure 2: Digit robot appearance and its main application scenarios


Digit has been tested by Amazon and will cooperate to expand robot solutions in the future

According to the Agility official website, in October 2023, the Digit humanoid robot was tested for use by Amazon and was mainly used to help Amazon warehouse employees pick up and move empty suitcases. Agility's official website also revealed that the two parties are expected to cooperate in the future to expand Digit robot solutions, further collaborate with employees, maintain workplace safety, and improve Amazon's product delivery capabilities.


Build the world's first humanoid robot factory, Digit accelerates mass production

According to Agility’s official website, Agility will begin construction of the RoboFab robot manufacturing factory in 2022. The factory will cover an area of 70,000 square feet and is expected to be put into production by the end of 2023. Agility plans to produce hundreds of Digit robots in the first year, and will expand its annual production capacity to 10,000+ units in the future. With the new factory completed and put into production, Agility expects to deliver the first batch of Digit in 2024 and will be fully launched in 2025.

Figure 1: History of renewal and transformation of Agility Robotics’ DigitFigure 3: Digit helps Amazon employees pick up and move empty suitcases; Agility robot manufacturing factory


At this point, the review of foreign humanoid robots in the report has come to an end. Currently, these four foreign robot companies are the most influential and representative in the industry, including: Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot, Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot robots, 1X’s EVE and NEO robots, and Agility’s Digit robot.

From the report, it is not difficult to find that foreign humanoid robots have developed rapidly in recent years, and they have the ability to complete more difficult actions. They are currently mostly used in production lines and will replace high-risk or high-risk robots in the next few years. Highly repetitive work.

In the next issue, we will expand on the humanoid robots in the domestic market. The first domestic product to be launched in the first phase is Ubiselect’s educational intelligent robot . Stay tuned. If you have any thoughts about our content in this issue, please feel free to communicate (anahu@ehaitech.com)


Data source: Agility Robotics official website, Robot Lecture Hall WeChat public account

Reference source: China National Securities Research Institute


"Humanoid Robot Industry Research Report" series of articles:

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: Tesla Optimus - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Foreign Humanoid Robots: Boston Dynamics Atlas - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: 1X EVE and NEO - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the Agility Digit of foreign humanoid robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 1) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 2) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Domestic Humanoid Robots: Dada Robot - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Fourier Intelligent GR1 of Domestic Humanoid Robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Research on the Humanoid Robot Industry: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Zhiyuan Yuanzheng A1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Yushu Technology H1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xiaomi CyberOne - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots iFlytek - (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xpeng Motors PX5 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots - Zhumi Technology - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: The preferred driving solution for future commercialization is "motor + reducer" - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

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