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Humanoid Robot Industry Research: An Inventory of Domestic Humanoid Robots - iFlytek

Editor:Ana Hu

China exportsemi net


"To be a platform enabler", this is iFlytek's positioning for itself in the field of robotics. So, how does iFlytek operate? Today, China Overseas Semiconductor will continue to analyze the "Robot Industry Research" report for you and take stock of iFlytek, the domestic humanoid robot.

iFlytek: launches embodied intelligent humanoid robot, accelerating iFlytek’s 2030 superintelligence plan

Domestic intelligent voice and artificial intelligence companies are accelerating the iteration of large-scale model upgrades. Founded in 1999, iFlytek is mainly engaged in the research of core technologies such as intelligent speech, natural language understanding, and computer vision, and actively promotes the implementation of artificial intelligence products and industry applications. Based on the long-term accumulation of artificial intelligence technology, iFlytek released the Spark Cognitive Large Model V1.0 in May 2023; in June, it upgraded the Spark Cognitive Large Model V1.5, making breakthroughs in open question and answer, logical reasoning, mathematics, and more. Turn dialogue ability upgrade. V2.0 was released in August, breaking through coding capabilities and upgrading multi-modal interaction. In October, iFlytek Spark V3.0 was released, surpassing the Chinese version and equivalent to English version against ChatGPT-3.5, and accelerating the iteration of the Spark large model. The iFlytek Ultra Brain 2030 plan will be launched in 2022, with the goal of making artificial intelligence understand knowledge, good at learning, and able to evolve, and let robots enter every home.

iFlytek’s Superintelligence 2030 plan is divided into three stages:

1) 2022-2023: Develop the integrated hardware and software robot into an exoskeleton robot, and make a pet-type machine intelligent hardware. It must have the cognitive ability to understand human multi-modality, be based on the concept of companionship and be habitable.

2) 2023-2025: Let exoskeleton robots enter life. In the next ten years, every family will have a robot, and a family of accompanying virtual humans will be released, which can accompany the elderly and have emotional communication with warmth.

3) 2025-2030: Let companion robots that understand knowledge and can learn enter the home, and digital virtual humans can learn and evolve by themselves.

Figure 1: iFlytek’s “iFlytek Super Brain 2030” planFigure 1: iFlytek’s “iFlytek Super Brain 2030” plan


Launch of embodied intelligent humanoid robot, accelerating iFlytek’s 2030 plan. In October 2023, iFlytek used the improvement of cognitive capabilities of large models at the Global 1024 Developer Festival to integrate the embodied intelligence and motion intelligence of cognitive large models to launch an embodied intelligent humanoid robot to accelerate iFlytek's super brain 2030 process.

Figure 2: iFlytek is driven by humanoid robots to promote the Figure 2: iFlytek is driven by humanoid robots to promote the "vision-language-action" multi-modal embodied large model


iFlytek's humanoid robot realizes motion intelligence and embodied intelligence.

  • Sports intelligence: Iflytek robots can adaptively walk on lawns, stone roads, plastic runways and other complex terrains with strong stability.
  • Embodied intelligence: iFlytek robots can automatically disassemble tasks and perform related operations based on natural language instructions to achieve a closed loop of specific task flows.

Figure 3: iFlytek humanoid robot can achieve motion intelligence and embodied intelligenceFigure 3: iFlytek humanoid robot can achieve motion intelligence and embodied intelligence


Jiang Tao, co-founder and senior vice president of iFlytek, pointed out that from the perspective of artificial intelligence in the robotics industry, it involves three major subdivisions, namely perceptual intelligence, cognitive intelligence and motion intelligence. He explained: “ Perceptual intelligence is Let computers listen, speak, see and recognize like people; cognitive intelligence refers to making computers understand and think like people, including reading comprehension, logical reasoning and analysis, induction of knowledge, expression and other abilities; motor intelligence , that is, the ability of computers to simulate human movement. "Jiang Tao believes that the core technologies in these three subdivisions still have a way to go, and their technological maturity rhythms are also very different, so they cannot advance simultaneously, but Influence each other and advance collaboratively.


iFlytek is positioned as a “platform enabler”

Jiang Tao pointed out that iFlytek's consistent artificial intelligence strategy is "platform + track", and in the robotics industry landscape, it is positioned as an "enabler of the platform".

“Platform” refers to the artificial intelligence open platform.

“iFlytek is one of the first national-level artificial intelligence open platforms in my country. If developers from all walks of life need to use artificial intelligence capabilities, they don’t have to do research in this area themselves. They just need to connect to the iFlytek platform. Yes." Jiang Tao introduced.

It is reported that more than 30,000 robot developers are currently using iFlytek's platform, accounting for 80% of robot startups. iFlytek has entered the industry through the artificial intelligence open platform and is empowering the entire industry. In this field, iFlytek's competitors include foreign artificial intelligence open platforms represented by Google, as well as some relatively large domestic companies.

In the next issue, China Overseas Semiconductor Network will show you Xpeng Motors' humanoid robot PX5 . As another new energy vehicle manufacturer, how will its humanoid robot development strategy be different from Tesla? Stay tuned.


Chart data source: iFlytek WeChat public account

References: China National Securities Research Institute


"Humanoid Robot Industry Research Report" series of articles:

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: Tesla Optimus - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Foreign Humanoid Robots: Boston Dynamics Atlas - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: 1X EVE and NEO - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the Agility Digit of foreign humanoid robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 1) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 2) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Domestic Humanoid Robots: Dada Robot - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Fourier Intelligent GR1 of Domestic Humanoid Robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Research on the Humanoid Robot Industry: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Zhiyuan Yuanzheng A1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Yushu Technology H1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xiaomi CyberOne - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots iFlytek - (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xpeng Motors PX5 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots - Zhumi Technology - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: The preferred driving solution for future commercialization is "motor + reducer" - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

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