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Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xpeng Motors PX5

Editor:Ana Hu

China exportsemi net


"Make useful robots" is the slogan promoted by Xpeng Motors for its robot products. In the future, Xpeng Motors' humanoid robot PX5 plan will give priority to field applications in Xiaopeng's factories and sales scenarios. Through iterative upgrades, it will continue to greatly improve stability and reliability. China Overseas Semiconductor continues to interpret the "Robot Industry Research" report for you today.


Xpeng Motors: Releases PX5, the first humanoid robot with efficient humanoid gait


Adopting a "straight-legged" walking plan, the patient has strong balance ability. On October 24, 2023, Xpeng Motors released its first humanoid robot PX5 on Technology Day. PX5 adopts a "straight-leg", long-striding walking method, which makes the gait more natural, anthropomorphic, more energy-saving, and has a cruising range that is doubled compared to walking with knees bent. In addition to walking on flat ground, the PX5 can easily adapt to various complex terrains such as grass and gravel, and has good impact resistance against front and rear and lateral impacts. In addition, PX5 can also play football and ride a balance bike, and has strong balance ability.

Figure 1: Xiaopeng releases its first humanoid robot PX5; PX5 (engineering version) can easily adapt to complex terrains

Figure 1: Xiaopeng releases its first humanoid robot PX5; PX5 (engineering version) can easily adapt to complex terrains


The robotic arm has high load capacity and 11 degrees of freedom, dexterous hands, and strong fine grasping capabilities.

  • In terms of the robotic arm, the PX5 arm has 7 degrees of freedom, a repeatable positioning accuracy of 0.05mm, a maximum single-arm load (3kg) / robotic arm self-weight (5Kg self-weight), a load-to-weight ratio of over 0.6, and a maximum terminal linear speed of 1m/s.
  • In terms of dexterity, the PX5 has 11 degrees of freedom in one hand and a two-finger holding force of up to 1kg. It adopts a rigid-flexible hybrid drive scheme to provide grasping and wrapping postures for objects of different shapes. In addition, PX5 integrates drive and control, weighs only 430g in one hand, and has terminal tactile sensing capabilities. The ultra-light weight, high load-to-weight ratio robotic arm and 11-degree-of-freedom dexterous hand enable the PX5 to smoothly complete smooth grabbing and handling operations.

Figure 2: PX5 has strong fine grabbing capabilitiesFigure 2: PX5 has strong fine grabbing capabilities


Future plans: According to the Xpeng Motors WeChat official account, Xpeng’s humanoid robot project is still in its early stages. The PX5 plan will prioritize field applications in Xpeng’s factories and sales scenarios in the future, and will continue to improve stability and reliability through iterative upgrades. sex.

Figure 3: Xpeng’s humanoid robot plan will prioritize field application in Xpeng factories and sales scenarios in the future.

Figure 3: Xpeng’s humanoid robot plan will prioritize field application in Xpeng factories and sales scenarios in the future.


As the head of operation control of the Robot Center, Dennis posted an article on Zhihu , introducing the Xpeng humanoid robot PX5 from aspects such as hardware and algorithms. He said that PX5 uses the same high-performance computing platform as Xpeng Motors’ product line. On this platform, cross-platform compilation, parameter adjustment and problem location have been completed efficiently. In addition to this, Xpeng Motors has successfully integrated visual perception technology in other robot models, and it is expected that introducing these functions into future humanoid robot products will not encounter too many obstacles.


In the next issue, we will welcome the last domestic humanoid robot manufacturer in this issue's review. He is Zhumi Technology. It is said that their humanoid robot can make coffee latte art . Stay tuned for the next issue of China Overseas Semiconductor. If you have any ideas about our content in this issue or about the robotics industry, please feel free to communicate (anahu@ehaitech.com)


Chart data source: Xpeng Motors WeChat public account

References: China National Securities Research Institute


"Humanoid Robot Industry Research Report" series of articles:

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: Tesla Optimus - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Foreign Humanoid Robots: Boston Dynamics Atlas - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of foreign humanoid robots: 1X EVE and NEO - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the Agility Digit of foreign humanoid robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 1) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the best domestic humanoid robots (Part 2) - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Domestic Humanoid Robots: Dada Robot - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Inventory of Fourier Intelligent GR1 of Domestic Humanoid Robots - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Research on the Humanoid Robot Industry: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Zhiyuan Yuanzheng A1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of the domestic humanoid robot Yushu Technology H1 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xiaomi CyberOne - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots iFlytek - (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots: Xpeng Motors PX5 - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: Taking stock of domestic humanoid robots - Zhumi Technology - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

Humanoid Robot Industry Research: The preferred driving solution for future commercialization is "motor + reducer" - China Exports Semiconductor (exportsemi.com)

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