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AI Boom Sweeps South Korea as Chip Inventories Shrink to Decade Low

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its demand for the semiconductor industry has shown explosive growth, which not only promotes the rapid development of the semiconductor industry, but also brings a series of changes in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Recently, the significant decline in South Korea's chip inventory is a direct manifestation of this trend.

As an important country in the semiconductor industry, South Korea's chip inventory has been attracting global attention. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of South Korea, in April 2024, South Korea's chip inventory fell by 33.7% from a year earlier, the largest decline since the end of 2014. The data marks the fourth consecutive month of decline in South Korea's chip inventories, and also shows the rapid growth of semiconductor market demand, driven by the global AI boom.

The growth of South Korea's chip exports is also closely related to the rising global demand for AI chips. In April 2024, South Korea's chip exports increased by 53.9% year-on-year, of which the export value of memory chips increased by 98.7% year-on-year. This growth trend shows that the development of AI technology is driving a new round of growth in the semiconductor market, which also brings new opportunities for the Korean chip industry.

Figure: Artificial intelligence drives down South Korea's chip inventory

Figure: Artificial intelligence drives down South Korea's chip inventory

Growing demand: With the widespread application of AI technology, especially in the fields of high-performance computing, machine learning, deep learning, etc., the demand for semiconductors is growing. This has directly promoted the prosperity of the semiconductor market and led to the development of related industrial chains.

Technological innovation: AI technology has brought new technological innovation opportunities to the semiconductor industry. Through machine learning algorithms, parameter control in the semiconductor manufacturing process can be optimized, improving production efficiency and quality. At the same time, AI can also be used in semiconductor design, testing and other links to promote the continuous progress of semiconductor technology.

Industrial upgrading: The introduction of AI technology has accelerated the upgrading and transformation of the semiconductor industry. The traditional semiconductor manufacturing process often relies on experience and manual operation, but the introduction of AI technology can realize automated and intelligent production, improve production efficiency and product quality.

South Korea is home to two of the world's largest memory chip producers, Samsung Electronics and SK hynix. The two companies occupy an important position in the global semiconductor market and have a significant advantage in the field of AI chips. As customers increase their procurement of equipment needed to develop AI technologies, Korean semiconductor companies are also ushering in new growth opportunities.

With the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, the demand for semiconductors will continue to maintain rapid growth. At the same time, with the popularization and application of technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things, the semiconductor industry will also usher in more development opportunities. As one of the important countries in the global semiconductor industry, South Korea will continue to leverage its technological and market advantages to promote the sustainable development and innovation of the semiconductor industry.

The rapid development and widespread application of AI technology has profoundly changed the landscape of the semiconductor market. The significant decline in South Korea's chip inventory not only reflects the role of the global AI boom in promoting the semiconductor market, but also indicates that the semiconductor industry will usher in broader development prospects.

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