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Nvidia Battle with AMD

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the global server GPU market has ushered in unprecedented growth. A new report from digitimes research predicts that the global server gpu production will reach a staggering $121.9 billion in 2024, marking the revolutionary impact of ai on this market.

The market drivers for AI technology

Breakthroughs in AI technology, especially the rise of generative AI, are driving a huge demand for high-performance computing resources. According to the report, the output value of high-end server GPUs is expected to account for more than 80% of the market, reaching $102.2 billion, a figure that highlights the urgent need for high-end computing power.

Nvidia and AMD compete in the market

In this AI-driven market feast, Nvidia and AMD have become the two major contenders. With its deep technology accumulation and market influence, NVIDIA is expected to occupy a 92.5% share of the high-end server GPU market in 2024. At the same time, AMD, although its market share is small, still occupies a 7.3% share with its technological innovation and market strategy, showing its resilience in the competition.


Figure: The AI revolution detonates the GPU market: Nvidia and AMD's 100 billion showdown

The strategic layout of cloud server vendors (CSPs).

As a major consumer of AI computing power, CSPs are actively stockpiling computing power to meet the demand for generative AI. They not only developed their own server ASIC accelerators, but also purchased a large number of high-end server GPUs to ensure their competitiveness in the AI era. This strategy is expected to further boost Nvidia's shipments.

The AI layout of the world's largest enterprises

In addition to CSPs, large global enterprises are also actively deploying generative AI services. Although the volume of single orders is not as large as that of CSP, the number of enterprises is large, which is expected to bring new growth points to the GPU market in 2024.

Market Prospects and Challenges

The rapid development of AI technology has brought great growth potential to the GPU market, but it has also brought challenges. The speed of technological advancement, the intensity of market competition, and the stability of the supply chain are all key factors influencing the development of the market. Enterprises need to constantly innovate to adapt to the changes brought about by AI technology.


The AI revolution is detonating the GPU market, and the 100 billion duel between NVIDIA and AMD has become the focus of market attention. As the market continues to expand and deepen, we can foresee that the competition will be more fierce in the future. Enterprises need to constantly adapt to market changes, strengthen technology research and development, and optimize product structure to occupy a favorable position in this AI-driven GPU market change.

The continuous progress of AI technology and the expansion of application fields indicate that the GPU market will usher in more changes and developments. For industry observers and investors, this is not only a technological revolution, but also an exploration of market opportunities. With the in-depth integration of AI technology, the future of the GPU market will be even more exciting.

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