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Artificial Intelligence Usher an Era of AIEV (1)

As one of the important pillars of China's economy, the automobile industry is in a mature stage, the growth rate of the industry is slowing down, and finding new growth points has become an urgent need for current development. In this context, technological innovation is seen as the core engine for the sustainable development of the automotive industry. Technology empowerment will inject new vitality into the automotive industry and push it towards a new growth curve.

At the same time, the field of artificial intelligence is undergoing major changes. The emergence of large models marks a new stage of large-scale application of the AI industry, and this cutting-edge technology with great potential is attracting resources from all parties to jointly build a complete industrial ecosystem. The wide application of AI technology will promote the intelligent transformation of traditional industries, bringing dual benefits of efficiency improvement and quality optimization.

According to the analysis of EO Intelligence, the development of the artificial intelligence industry has entered the stage of promotion and application of large models, and multi-modal large models have begun to be applied in many fields. New energy vehicles are currently in a critical period of intelligent development, and the integration of intelligent technology to promote the development of automobiles is the key to this stage. The large-scale model has brought the AI industry and the new energy vehicle industry to the intersection, giving birth to a new generation of intelligent electric vehicles - artificial intelligence electric vehicles (AIEVs). The birth of AIEV is not only the result of technological integration, but also an inevitable trend of industrial development. It symbolizes the in-depth integration of the automotive industry and artificial intelligence, and indicates that the automotive industry will develop in a more intelligent and personalized direction.

AIEV can not only provide consumers with a safer, more convenient and more comfortable driving experience, but also bring new growth drivers and market opportunities to the automotive industry. With the continuous improvement of technology and the gradual expansion of the market, AIEV is expected to become an important force to promote the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry and open a new chapter in the development of the industry.

The concept of AIEV

AIEV (Artificial Intelligence Electric Vehicle) is a new generation of intelligent electric vehicles that deeply integrate artificial intelligence. It not only inherits the advantages of electrification, networking, and intelligence of traditional intelligent electric vehicles, but also empowers various fields of automobiles through AI technology, realizing a qualitative leap in the intelligence of automotive products. AIEVs are characterized by a high degree of intelligence, electrification, and connectivity, which can provide users with personalized and intelligent services, and are expected to bring new growth drivers and market opportunities to the automotive industry.

Figure: AIEV is a smart electric vehicle equipped with artificial intelligence (Source: EO Intelligence)

Drivers of the AIEV industry

AI technology brings a more comfortable driving experience to the field of smart cars. The realization of this intelligence relies on continuously upgraded high-performance chips and diverse sensor technologies. With the increase in the complexity of electronic and electrical system architecture, the increase of chips and sensors has made the collaboration between hardware become the focus, and AI technology can effectively deal with complex hardware coordination problems and systematically improve the hardware operation efficiency of automobiles.

The development of the AIEV industry is driven by many factors, including national policy support, technological progress, market demand, etc. The national and local governments have introduced a number of policies to encourage the development of AI technology and new energy vehicles, and at the same time, the integrated development of AI technology, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Vehicles and human-computer interaction technology has promoted the progress of the AIEV industry. The growing demand for an intelligent and personalized driving experience is driving the growth of the AIEV market.

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