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ASML Hyper NA EUV Lithography Machine:The High Price Explained

When the Korean media Chosun Ilbo revealed that the price of the next-generation lithography equipment, Hyper (0.75) NA EUV lithography machine, which ASML is expected to launch around 2030, may exceed 1 trillion won (about 5.267 billion yuan), the global semiconductor industry once again focused on this Dutch giant. In this article, China Exportsemi Net will try to deeply analyze the reasons behind this sky-high price, explore the impact of its technological innovation on the market, and the extensive discussion caused by this price tag.

Technological Innovation: Breakthrough of Hyper NA EUV Lithography Machine

ASML's Hyper NA EUV lithography machine represents the forefront of semiconductor manufacturing technology. According to ASML's official information, the equipment is expected to be able to support 0.2nm process, which is a further extension of the most advanced 2nm process currently on the market. This technological advancement will not only greatly improve the performance of chips, but also drive the entire semiconductor industry towards smaller size and higher integration.


Figure: ASML's next-generation product Hyper (0.75) NA EUV lithography machine is priced at 5.2 billion yuan

Market Challenge: Balance between Price and Demand

However, the sky-high price tag of the Hyper NA EUV lithography machine also poses a challenge to the market. The high price means that only a few top semiconductor manufacturers can afford this investment. According to the 2023 Global Lithography Machine Market Analysis Report, the global lithography machine market size is expected to reach US$25.2 billion, and ASML's EUV lithography machine has a single price of more than US$100 million. The price of the Hyper NA EUV lithography machine will undoubtedly push this figure further.

Policy Support and Localization Process: The Rise of the Chinese Market

In the global semiconductor industry landscape, China is actively promoting the localization of lithography machines and related industrial chains through policy support and technology research and development investment. For example, Shanghai Microelectronics' 600 series lithography machine has broken through the bottleneck of the 90nm process and is moving towards the 28nm process. This shows that while China is catching up with the international advanced level, it is also gradually reducing its dependence on external technology.

Global competition landscape: cooperation and competition coexist

ASML's Hyper NA EUV lithography machine is expected to further consolidate its leadership in the global lithography machine market. However, this also provides other competitors with opportunities to catch up and cooperate. Against the backdrop of the rapid development of the global semiconductor industry, technological cooperation and industrial chain synergy have become important forces driving the development of the industry.

Conclusion: Future Outlook and Thinking

The advent of ASML Hyper (0.75) NA EUV lithography machine is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a weather vane for market development. Faced with high prices and fierce market competition, the semiconductor industry needs to constantly explore new business models and technical paths. At the same time, the rise of domestic lithography machines has also brought new vitality and opportunities to the global semiconductor industry. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous adjustment of the market, we have reason to believe that the semiconductor industry will usher in a broader development space.

In writing this analysis and commentary article, China Exportsemi Net combined information and data from various aspects, including ASML's technological development, the current status of the global lithography machine market, policy support and localization progress of China's lithography machine industry, and changes in the global competitive landscape. Through in-depth analysis, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive and objective perspective to better understand the impact and significance of ASML Hyper NA EUV lithography machine on the industry.

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