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Breaking Records:The World First 270KW Wireless Charging Technology Unveild

Recently, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the United States once again set a new record in the field of wireless electric vehicle (EV) charging technology, successfully demonstrating the world's first 270-kilowatt wireless charging technology. This technological breakthrough not only demonstrates the higher power density and efficiency of wireless charging technology, but also shows significant commercialization potential, especially in cooperation with the Volkswagen Group. The test platform uses the Porsche Taycan electric vehicle, as the so-called The strong alliance has also laid a solid foundation for innovative development in the field of electric vehicles.


Figure: ORNL demonstrates wireless charging technology

Technological breakthroughs and advantages

According to China Exportsemi Web, the wireless charging system developed by ORNL has a multi-phase electromagnetic coupling coil as its core and uses a rotating magnetic field to significantly increase the charging power. Compared with traditional wireless charging systems, this system has significantly improved power density and efficiency. Specifically, it can charge 50% of vehicles in 10 minutes, with an efficiency of over 95%. In addition, the system also integrates a variety of protection mechanisms, such as short circuit, overheating, overvoltage and overcurrent protection, ensuring the safety and reliability of the charging process.

The biggest advantages of wireless charging technology are its convenience and safety. Compared with traditional wired charging, wireless charging does not require frequent plugging and unplugging of the charging gun, reducing the risk of electric shock and equipment wear. At the same time, the integrated design of the system makes the charging facilities more beautiful and easier to maintain.


Figure: ORNL's key points in wireless charging technology (organized by China Exportsemi Web)

Challenges and solutions

Although China Exportsemi Web believes that wireless charging technology has broad prospects, its commercialization process still faces many challenges.

The first is the cost issue. The hardware cost of the wireless charging system is relatively high, including the charging plate, receiver and related power electronic equipment. In addition, installation and maintenance costs are also factors that cannot be ignored. The key to solving this problem lies in technological progress and large-scale production. It is expected that with the application of new materials and new technologies, the cost of wireless charging will continue to decrease.

The second is the charging efficiency issue. The current wireless charging technology still has room for improvement in transmission efficiency. Although electromagnetic induction wireless charging is widely used, its transmission distance is limited and requires precise alignment between the charger and the receiving device. Magnetic field resonance wireless charging can achieve energy transmission over longer distances, but it has not yet been commercialized on a large scale. In addition, heat loss and thermal management issues are also key to improving charging efficiency.

Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues are also worthy of attention. Although wireless charging electromagnetic radiation is theoretically harmless to the human body, the public still has doubts about this. Further research and standard setting are needed to eliminate these doubts.

Commercialization potential and industry impact

With the maturity of wireless charging technology and the reduction of costs, its application potential in the field of electric vehicles is very large. Wireless charging technology can not only significantly improve the user's charging experience, but also be combined with technologies such as autonomous driving and smart parking to achieve a fully automatic charging process. Imagine that an electric car equipped with automatic parking function can automatically navigate to the wireless charging parking location and complete charging without human intervention, which will greatly improve the level of intelligent charging.

In addition, the promotion and application of wireless charging technology will also promote the deep integration of new energy vehicles with other industries such as energy, transportation, and information and communications. For example, through V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) technology, electric vehicles can not only obtain electricity from the power grid, but also feed back electricity to the power grid during peak hours, improving the operation efficiency and reliability of the power grid.

The development of wireless charging technology will also drive the development of related industrial chains, including wireless charging equipment manufacturing, charging facility construction and operation, and related software and technical services, bringing new growth points to the new energy vehicle industry.

Domestic and overseas manufacturers focusing on wireless charging technology

At present, many domestic and overseas manufacturers are actively deploying wireless charging technology. The deployment of these manufacturers not only promotes the development of wireless charging technology, but also indicates the broad prospects of wireless charging applications in the future. The specific situation collected and sorted by China Exportsemi Web is as follows:

Future Outlook

In summary, although the application of wireless charging technology in the field of electric vehicles still faces many challenges, it has broad prospects and huge potential. With the continuous advancement of technology and the gradual reduction of costs, wireless charging technology is expected to be more widely used in the future, promoting the electric vehicle industry to develop in a more intelligent, convenient and green direction.

Wireless charging technology not only provides a more convenient and safe charging method, but will also become one of the key factors in promoting the popularization of electric vehicles. In the future, with the continuous maturity of technology and the gradual expansion of the market, wireless charging technology will surely occupy an important position in the electric vehicle industry and help realize global green travel.

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