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China Breakthrough First 600 mhz Superconducting nmr Spectrometer

In today's increasingly fierce global scientific and technological competition, the independent research and development ability of high-end scientific research instruments has become an important criterion for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength. China has once again made significant progress in this field - Wuhan Zhongke Oxford Spectrum Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully developed the first 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer in China, realizing a gorgeous turn from technology following to technology leading.

1. The milestone significance of technological breakthroughs

The successful research and development of the 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is a concentrated embodiment of China's independent innovation ability in the field of high-end scientific research instruments. With a field strength of up to 140,000 gauss, this instrument can provide more detailed images of the structure of matter, providing strong technical support for research in chemistry, biology, materials science and other fields.

2. The hardships and challenges behind independent research and development

Oxford's success did not happen overnight. From the beginning of the company's establishment in 2013 to the advent of the first 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, the R&D team has gone through countless tests and failures, and has overcome one technical difficulty after another. One of the biggest challenges is the design and manufacture of superconducting magnets. Through unremitting efforts, the R&D team finally realized the independent design and manufacture of 600 mega superconducting magnets, filling the gap in this field in China.


Figure: A breakthrough has been made in the self-development of China's first 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer

3. Market demand and localization process

According to the market research report, the current global market for nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers is about 3,000 units, and the annual demand is between 100 and 200 units. For a long time, China's equipment in this field mainly relies on imports, which is not only costly, but also has a long maintenance cycle, which seriously affects the progress of scientific research. The advent of the 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer in Oxford, which will effectively alleviate this situation and promote the localization process of China's scientific research instruments.

Fourth, the far-reaching impact of localization on scientific research

Localization can not only reduce the cost of scientific research, but more importantly, it can shorten the equipment maintenance cycle and improve the efficiency of scientific research. In the past, once a failure occurred, the repair parts had to be sent back abroad for processing, which took months or even half a year. After localization, this time will be greatly shortened, and researchers can use and maintain the equipment more conveniently, thereby speeding up the scientific research process.

5. Future outlook and strategic significance

With the industrialization of the 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, it is expected that more domestic scientific research institutions will choose to use domestic equipment. At present, more than 10 colleges and universities have placed orders, and the Haixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has begun to install and use. This not only proves the market recognition of domestic equipment, but also shows the enhancement of China's scientific research strength and the improvement of independent innovation capabilities.

In the future, with the continuous maturity of technology and the further development of the market, we have reason to believe that domestic scientific research instruments will play a more important role in the field of global scientific research and contribute more Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength to the progress of human science.

6. Conclusions

The self-development breakthrough of the Oxford 600 mega superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is a milestone in the localization of China's scientific research instruments. It not only breaks the monopoly of foreign technology, but also provides more powerful scientific research tools for domestic scientific researchers. This achievement is the result of the unremitting efforts of several generations of scientific researchers, and is also the embodiment of the country's attention to and support for scientific and technological innovation. We hope that with this as a starting point, China will be able to achieve independent innovation in more scientific and technological fields and make greater contributions to global scientific and technological progress.

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