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China Dominates Global AI Large Models Cause for Celebration or Concern?

In the tide of artificial intelligence (AI), China is gradually revealing its strong technological strength and market potential. According to the White Paper on the Global Digital Economy released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, China has accounted for more than one-third of the global AI model, reaching 36%, second only to the 44% of United States. This transcendence has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for the development of China's AI industry. But what do we think about the deeper meaning behind this achievement? Is it joy or sorrow? China Exportsemi Web will discuss this issue with you:

Global proportion of China's AI models:

First, let's take a look at the specific data. As of the first quarter of 2024, there are nearly 30,000 AI companies in the world, of which United States accounts for 34%, followed by China with 15%. In terms of the number of global AI models, China ranks second with 36%, second only to United States with 44%. These data not only show China's competitive position in the global AI field, but also reflect China's investment and determination in AI technology innovation.


Figure: China accounts for more than one-third of the global AI model field

Technological Innovation & Patent Application:

Technological innovation is the core driving force for the development of AI. According to the Generative AI Patent Landscaping Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, between 2014 and 2023, the number of generative AI patents filed by Chinese inventors exceeded 38,000, six times that of United States, ranking first in the world. This data fully demonstrates the importance that China attaches to AI technology innovation and intellectual property protection.

The Rise of Unicorns:

The growth of AI companies in China is also impressive. The number of AI unicorns in China has reached 71, which not only represents the innovative vitality of China's AI industry, but also shows that the market recognizes its potential. The rise of unicorns has provided a strong impetus for the future development of China's AI industry.

Challenges of Labor Transition:

However, the development of AI technology has also brought about new trends in the labor movement. With the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, "unmanned workshops" and "black light factories" have emerged, which have had an impact on the employment of workers in traditional industries. According to a report by Xinhua News Agency, low-skilled workers are the first to be hit hard, and the emergence of emerging technologies has made employees more likely to prefer efficient and convenient working methods. This phenomenon requires governments, businesses, and educational institutions to work together to provide workforce transformation services to help workers adapt to technological change and upskill.

Talent training and demand:

While AI technology continues to advance, talent has become a key factor restricting the development of the industry. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places have become gathering places for AI talents, and these regions have a high level of economic development and mature technology industries, providing a broad space for AI talents to develop. At the same time, although there is a gap between Chinese AI companies and United States in the research and development strength of basic large models, China is one of the few countries that can continue to invest in research and development.

Conclusions and Prospects:

China accounts for more than 1/3 of the global AI model field, which is undoubtedly a cause for joy. It marks China's rise on the global AI stage and demonstrates China's strength in AI technology innovation and industrial development. However, behind this transcendence, there are also hidden challenges in labor transformation and talent training. How to balance technological innovation and social responsibility, and how to promote the healthy development of the industry and the supply of talents, will be the key to the development of China's AI industry in the future.

In the future, China needs to continue to increase investment in AI technology R&D and innovation, and at the same time, pay attention to the social impact of AI technology, and help the workforce achieve a smooth transformation through policy guidance and education and training. Only in this way can China's leading position in the global AI field be sustained and consolidated.

As an industry observer, China Exportsemi Web appreciates China's achievements in the field of global AI large models, and at the same time remains vigilant about possible problems. Technological innovation is the key to social progress, but in the process, we cannot ignore the impact on individuals and society. The future of China's AI industry needs to find a balance between innovation and responsibility to achieve sustainable development.

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