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China Leads Global 5G Technology

On July 5, 2024, at a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-quality Development" held by the Information Office of the State Council, leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed the world China's outstanding achievements and future blueprint in the field of 5G. The speeches of Minister Jin Zhuanglong, Vice Minister Xin Guobin and Chief Engineer Zhao Zhiguo not only provided detailed data and policy directions, but also depicted a high-quality development picture driven by deep integration of 5G technology.

5G Achievement: A Significant Advantage in Global Proportion

Minister Jin Zhuanglong pointed out that the number of 5G base stations in China has reached 3.837 million, accounting for more than 60% of the world's total, achieving extensive coverage nationwide. The construction of this infrastructure not only provides a solid foundation for "gigabit access to cities", "5G connectivity to counties" and "broadband connectivity to every village", but also lays a good start for the in-depth promotion of 5G applications and industry empowerment.

Innovation-driven: Leading 5G SEPs

Chief Engineer Zhao Zhiguo revealed that China's 5G standard essential patent declarations accounted for 42% of the world's total, and behind this figure is China's advanced layout and intensive cultivation in 5G technology research and development and standard formulation. The global market share of 5G base stations and mobile phones exceeds 50%, which reflects China's leading position in the global 5G industry chain.


Figure: China's 5G leads the world: patents account for 42%, and the base station coverage rate exceeds 60%

Industry convergence: the depth and breadth of 5G applications

The application of 5G technology has penetrated into 74 categories of the national economy, with the completion of 30,000 5G industry virtual private networks, 300 "5G factories", and more than 13,000 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects, which mark the deep integration of 5G technology with industry, electric power, medical and other industries, and provide a strong impetus for the digital transformation of traditional industries.

Green development: synergy between 5G and new energy

While promoting the development of 5G, China also pays attention to the construction of green data centers, the cultivation of 196 national green data centers, and the significant reduction of energy consumption of 5G base stations, which reflects China's firm commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development while pursuing scientific and technological progress.

Future outlook: 5G-A and 6G evolution

In the future, China will continue to adhere to the overall promotion strategy of "construction, use, and research", accelerate the in-depth coverage and lightweight evolution of 5G networks, and actively promote the R&D and innovation of 6G, so as to contribute China's wisdom to the development of global communication technology.


The rapid development and widespread application of 5G technology in China not only provides a strong impetus for the digital transformation of the domestic economy and society, but also sets a benchmark for the development of the global 5G industry. With the continuous maturity and deepening of 5G technology, we have reason to believe that China will play a more important role in the 5G era and make greater contributions to the progress of global communication technology and economic and social development. At the same time, China will continue to lead in the research and development of 5G-A and 6G, laying a solid foundation for the innovation and development of future communication technologies.

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