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China Telecom is the World's Leader in 6G Satellite-to-round Link Testing

In the new round of global communication technology competition, the joint breakthrough of China Telecom Satellite Corporation and its partners not only demonstrates China's leading position in global 6G research and development, but also achieves a qualitative leap at the technical level. The first 6G satellite-to-ground link field ground test completed by China Telecom Beijing Earth Station unveiled the mystery behind 6G technology at a rate of more than 1Gbps.

The 1Gbps rate achieved in this test benefited from the integration and innovation of a number of key technologies. Based on the 3GPP NTN standard protocol, the test realizes high-speed air interface data merging on the terminal side by optimizing the low-orbit inter-satellite cooperative transmission mechanism. In this process, self-developed satellite simulators, terminal simulators and software-defined test platforms play a crucial role, which not only provide the necessary simulation environment, but also ensure the stability and reliability of data transmission.

The joint research of China Telecom, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Galaxy Aerospace, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, UNISOC and other partners reflects the innovative model of combining production, education, research and application. This kind of cross-border cooperation not only brings together the technical advantages of all parties, but also provides diversified perspectives and solutions for the research and development of 6G technology.


Figure: China Telecom's 6G Starlink test, with a rate of more than 1Gbps

1. Technology leadership and industrial upgrading: The realization of the 1Gbps rate indicates that 6G technology will bring revolutionary changes to applications such as telemedicine, intelligent transportation, and virtual reality. This kind of high-speed and high-bandwidth communication capability will greatly promote the digital transformation of all walks of life.

2. Independent innovation and international competition: China Telecom's independent innovation in 6G satellite-to-ground link testing not only enhances China's competitiveness in the global communications field, but also provides Chinese solutions for the formulation of international 6G standards.

3. Satellite-ground integration and global coverage: The satellite-ground integration characteristics of 6G technology mean that the future communication network will achieve seamless global coverage, which is of great significance for remote areas and marine communications.

4. Future-oriented and application exploration: The high speed and low latency of 6G technology provide a broad space for the development of emerging applications. Industry analysts predict that 6G will bring users a more immersive and real-time experience.

In this test, China Telecom adopted multi-beam anti-jamming coding and multi-satellite multi-beam cooperative transmission technology, the application of these technologies makes it possible to use the ground-based controlled beamforming technology of multiple satellites under the multi-Pleer frequency shift. The project leader said that the breakthroughs in these technologies provide technical support for microsecond-level multi-beam synchronization and air interface data merging on the terminal side.

Industry observers said that this achievement of China Telecom is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a profound exploration of the future communication network architecture. "The development of 6G technology will redefine the way we connect to the world," said a senior communications analyst, "This is not only a speed improvement, but also a revolution in quality and experience."

The success of China Telecom's 6G satellite-to-ground link test marks China's leading position in global 6G technology research and development. This achievement not only demonstrates China Telecom's technical strength and innovation capabilities, but also provides useful reference and inspiration for the development and application of global 6G technology. With the continuous maturity of 6G technology and the expansion of application scenarios, we have reason to believe that 6G will bring a more intelligent, convenient and efficient communication experience to human society and open a new chapter in the future of communication. At the same time, we also expect China Telecom and other enterprises to make more breakthroughs in the R&D and application promotion of 6G technology, and contribute more wisdom and strength to promote the development of China's and even the global communications industry.

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