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Weride Obtains Driverless Testing Permit in US

Today, with the rapid development of global autonomous driving technology, China and the United States are at the forefront of this field, each competing for the commanding heights of technology and market dominance. WeRide, as a pioneer in China's autonomous driving technology, recently obtained the test permit for driverless passenger transport in California, United States, which not only marks an important milestone in the company's own development, but also symbolizes that the competition between China and the United States in the field of autonomous driving has entered a new stage.

In this article, China Exportsemi will analyze the significance of WeRide's approval for driverless passenger testing in the United States, and discuss the competitive situation between China and the United States in the field of autonomous driving technology. Through the analysis of WeRide's technical strength, market layout and strategic considerations in the global autonomous driving market, China Exportsemi provides readers with a comprehensive and in-depth perspective to help understand the current competitive landscape and future development trend of the autonomous driving industry.

Background and importance of testing permissions

WeRide has received a three-year license from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to transport passengers in a test vehicle with and without a driver. The granting of this permission has multiple implications. First of all, it demonstrates WeRide's progress and strength in autonomous driving technology. This not only provides a valuable market testing opportunity for WeRide, but also paves the way for its further expansion in the United States market in the future.

At the same time, the acquisition of this license is closely related to WeRide's planned initial public offering (IPO) in New York. The company expects to raise up to US$5 billion through the IPO to further drive its technology research and development and market expansion. However, the road to United States has not been smooth sailing. Against the backdrop of the United States' plan to ban the use of Chinese software in self-driving cars, WeRide's future for United States operations is uncertain. These geopolitical factors add complexity to WeRide's future development, but also underscore its importance in this global technology competition.


Figure: WeRide was approved for unmanned driving test in United States

Technical strength and international layout

Since its establishment in 2017, WeRide has carried out R&D, testing and commercialization of autonomous driving technology in 30 cities in 7 countries around the world. It has been in operation for more than 1,600 days, becoming the only technology company to obtain autonomous driving licenses in China, United States, U.A.E. and Singapore at the same time. This series of achievements not only demonstrates WeRide's deep strength in the field of autonomous driving technology, but also highlights its extensive influence on a global scale.

WeRide's technical strength is not only reflected in its extensive international layout, but also in its competition with other giants in the field of autonomous driving. Although WeRide is not far behind the number of autonomous driving test vehicles and operating mileage in California compared to companies such as Waymo, its test approval shows that the company is steadily advancing its business in the United States. These achievements show that WeRide has the potential and strength to compete with the giants in the global autonomous driving market.

Challenges and opportunities

According to CPUC, WeRide has 12 active test vehicles in California, primarily in San Jose and surrounding areas. By comparison, Waymo has about 700 test vehicles in the United States market and is currently the only company operating for a fee in the driverless taxi space. In addition, in 2023, WeRide will have 42,391 autonomous driving miles in California, while Waymo will reach more than 9 million miles. These figures reflect the gap between WeRide and its key competitors in terms of test scale and market penetration.

However, it is precisely these gaps that have prompted WeRide to continuously accelerate its technology research and development and market layout. Obtaining a test clearance from California is an important step for the company to take it to the next level. This not only provides WeRide with a broader testing platform, but also creates conditions for further improvement of its technical capabilities.

Strategic considerations in the U.S.-China technology competition

In the global competition for autonomous driving technology, both China and the United States have shown a strong desire to dominate. United States is more aggressive in autonomous driving legislation and policy liberalization, actively promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving technology. China, on the other hand, pays more attention to the steady development of technology, and gradually improves relevant policies and regulations to ensure the reliability and safety of technology.

WeRide's approval for testing in California is a symbol of Chinese companies' strength on the international stage. This license not only enhances WeRide's international influence, but also strengthens its voice in the global autonomous driving market. However, WeRide also faces significant challenges, especially in the context of increasing geopolitical and technological regulatory uncertainty. Companies must find a balance in this complex international environment to ensure their continued growth in the global marketplace.

Looking to the future

WeRide's approval for driverless passenger testing in California is an important development in the competition between China and the United States for autonomous driving technology. This license is not only a symbol of WeRide's technological prowess, but also a sign of China's rising position in the global autonomous driving field. Despite the challenges of the geopolitical and regulatory environment, WeRide still has the potential to achieve more in the global marketplace.

In the future, with the continuous maturity of autonomous driving technology and the further improvement of the policy environment, WeRide will continue to play an important role in the global autonomous driving field. How to deal with challenges and seize opportunities will be the key to WeRide's future development. We look forward to seeing WeRide make greater breakthroughs in this field and make greater contributions to the progress of global autonomous driving technology."

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