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China's computer market will rebound in 2025

According to data released by Canalys, the share of PCs in Chinese mainland will shrink to 1% in 2024, but will usher in a strong rebound of 12% by 2025.

According to the analysis, this trend is mainly influenced by the cautious spending of consumers and private companies on PCs. However, it is worth noting that the desktop market is expected to show good growth due to the procurement needs of large state-owned enterprises and local government departments, with an annual growth rate of 10%. This phenomenon reflects the important supporting role of government procurement in the PC market.

At the same time, the laptop market is under pressure. Full-year laptop shipments are expected to fall by 5% as consumers and private businesses remain cautious in spending on PCs. This downward trend is in line with a global trend, showing that consumers and businesses are becoming more conservative about large purchases in the context of economic uncertainty.

However, after a slight contraction in 2024, the PC market in Chinese mainland is expected to rebound strongly in 2025. PC shipments are forecast to grow by 12%. This growth driver is mainly due to the continued development of nationalized procurement. With the government's emphasis on and investment in informatization construction, nationalized procurement will continue to be an important force to promote the growth of the PC market.

Figure: Forecast of computer shipments in Chinese mainland (Source: Canalys)

In addition, the rapid development and application of AI technology has also brought new growth opportunities to the PC market. With the continuous breakthrough of AI technology and the expansion of application scenarios, more and more enterprises and individuals have begun to realize the importance of AI technology to improve work efficiency and quality of life. As a result, AI-enabled PC products will be preferred by more consumers, thereby driving further growth in the PC market.

From the perspective of market trends, the recovery trajectory of the PC market in Chinese mainland is not completely consistent with the global trend. This is mainly influenced by specific domestic policies and procurement needs. Therefore, for PC manufacturers, it is necessary to pay close attention to the dynamics and policy changes of the domestic market in order to adjust the market strategy and product layout in a timely manner.

At the same time, with the rapid development and application of AI technology, PC manufacturers also need to actively explore the possibility of integrating AI technology into their products. Through the introduction of AI technology, users can be brought a more intelligent and convenient experience, thereby improving the competitiveness and market share of products.

In conclusion, although the PC market in Chinese mainland will face certain challenges in 2024, the market is expected to usher in a strong rebound in 2025 with the continuous development of nationalized procurement and the promotion of AI technology. For PC manufacturers, they need to actively respond to market changes and challenges, grasp market opportunities and trends, and achieve sustainable and steady development.

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