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Deep Analysis of BOE 8.6 Generation AMOLED Production Line

The 8.6th generation AMOLED production line project invested and constructed by BOE Technology Group in Chengdu High-tech West Zone is the first high-generation AMOLED production line in China and the second in the world, with a total investment of about 63 billion yuan. The project is expected to achieve mass production by the end of 2026, with a designed monthly production capacity of 32,000 glass substrates (size 2290mm x 2620mm), mainly used to produce high-end touch OLED displays for smart terminals such as laptops and tablets. With the implementation of this project, China's competitiveness in the global OLED display field is expected to achieve a leap from "following" to "leading".

Technological innovation: the application of LTPO backplane and laminated light-emitting technology

BOE has adopted low-temperature polycrystalline silicon oxide (LTPO) backplane technology and tandem light-emitting device preparation process in the 8.6th generation AMOLED production line. LTPO technology is known for its low power consumption and high performance, which can enable OLED screens to extend their service life while significantly reducing power consumption. The laminated light-emitting device process optimizes the display quality of medium-sized OLED products by improving the brightness and color performance of the screen. These technological innovations provide better display solutions for high-end IT products, effectively meeting the market's demand for thin, lightweight, and portable devices.

The market significance of high-generation production lines

The completion of BOE's 8.6th generation production line will significantly improve the cutting efficiency of medium-sized OLED products, reduce production costs, and achieve large-scale mass production. Compared with the traditional AMOLED production line, the high-generation production line can not only greatly increase the production capacity, but also cut more display panels on large-size substrates, thereby improving material utilization and reducing unit costs. This will be an optimization and upgrading of the supply chain for the global OLED market, and further consolidate the market share of China's display industry.


Figure: BOE's 8.6th generation AMOLED production line is the first in China

A historic breakthrough in China's display industry

The commissioning of this project is of far-reaching significance to China's display industry. From the early "follower" to today's "leader", BOE's high-generation AMOLED production line marks a major leap in the field of OLED technology in China's display industry. By improving their independent technological innovation capabilities, Chinese companies have not only broken the monopoly of international giants on the OLED market, but also successfully shortened the gap with the world's top display technologies.

Chengdu High-tech Zone: A key hub for the OLED industry

BOE chose Chengdu High-tech Zone as the landing site for the 8.6th generation AMOLED production line, further consolidating the region's position as a national flexible panel production base. With the capping of the main structure of the project, Chengdu High-tech Zone is expected to become the world's most technologically advanced and largest-capacity medium-sized OLED production base. This will not only help promote the development of the local electronic information industry, but also attract more upstream and downstream enterprises to settle down, thus forming a complete industrial ecological chain.

Future opportunities in the global OLED market

As the global demand for OLED display technology continues to grow, OLED technology is gradually being applied to more terminal devices, including smartphones, wearable devices, automotive displays, etc. According to market research institutes, the OLED market is expected to continue to expand in the next five years, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 20%. BOE's 8.6th generation AMOLED production line is expected to inject new impetus into the global OLED market and further promote the competitiveness of Chinese companies in the global market.


The construction and imminent commissioning of BOE's 8.6th generation AMOLED production line project is an important milestone for China's display industry to move towards a global leading position. Through multiple measures of technological innovation, industrial chain optimization and market layout, BOE has not only opened up a broader market prospect for China's OLED industry, but also contributed an important force to the progress of global display technology. With the advancement of the project, China's leading position in the global display industry will be more stable, and Chengdu High-tech Zone will also become a key hub of China's display industry, playing an important role in promoting the upgrading of the national electronic information industry.

This project not only highlights the rise of Chinese companies in the global display industry, but also lays a solid foundation for the future development of global display technology. In the context of the continuous expansion of the OLED market, BOE's strategic layout will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the future development of the global display industry.

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