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LEAP Summit Leads to the Rise of Saudi Arabia's "Silicon Valley"

In the vast desert of Saudi Arabia, there are not only rich oil resources, but also an oasis of innovation in the wave of science and technology. The convening of the LEAP Science and Technology Summit marks that the Middle Eastern country is moving towards the dream of becoming a technological power with unprecedented ambition.

LEAP Tech Summit: A showcase for Saudi Arabia's tech dreams

As one of the world's most attended science and technology events, the LEAP Science and Technology Summit is not only a showcase for Saudi Arabia's scientific and technological transformation, but also an important window for its opening up and international exchanges. With 215,000 attendees, the 2024 show surpassed industry giants such as CES and MWC to become the focus of the global tech community. Behind this figure is the boundless enthusiasm of the Saudi people for technology and their unwavering confidence in the future of the country.


Pictured: The 2024 LEAP Tech Summit attracted 215,000 participants

Vision 2030: A grand blueprint for Saudi Arabia's technological transformation

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 is a comprehensive socio-economic development plan proposed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to reduce the country's dependence on oil and promote economic diversification. The development of the technology industry, especially breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, is seen as the key to achieving this vision. Through a series of policies and investments, Saudi Arabia is accelerating its transformation into a global leader in technology and innovation.

Saudi Arabia's Technology Investment and Cooperation: An Opportunity for Chinese Enterprises

Through its sovereign wealth fund PIF, Saudi Arabia continues to increase its investment in the technology sector, with plans to invest $100 billion by 2030 and work with global technology leaders to build the kingdom into a global technology manufacturing hub. Chinese enterprises, with their technological advantages and rich experience in 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and other fields, have become important partners in Saudi Arabia's technological transformation.

Construction of science and technology ecosystem: talent training and scientific research and innovation

Saudi Arabia's technological transformation not only relies on the power of government and capital, but also on building a complete technology ecosystem. Educational institutions such as King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) play a key role in nurturing talent, while Saudi Arabia is actively attracting international talent and businesses to promote the development of the local technology industry.

China's Role in Saudi Arabia's Technological Transformation: Bridges and Partners

Chinese companies play the role of bridges and partners in Saudi Arabia's technological transformation. The cooperation between Chinese technology giants such as Huawei and Alibaba and Saudi Arabia has not only accelerated the introduction and application of technology in Saudi Arabia, but also cultivated local technical talents for Saudi Arabia and promoted the development of the local technology industry.

Challenges and prospects: Saudi Arabia's long road to technological transformation

While Saudi Arabia has made significant progress on the path to technological transformation, there are still many challenges to becoming the next Silicon Valley. Scientific and technological innovation requires the accumulation of time and continuous efforts, and Saudi Arabia needs to continue to make efforts in many aspects such as talent training, scientific research environment, and policy support.

Conclusion: Saudi Arabia's technological future is worth looking forward to

Saudi Arabia's tech transformation is an ambitious plan, and the success of the LEAP Tech Summit is just a microcosm of this progress. With the gradual implementation of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is expected to play a more important role in the global technology stage. Chinese technology companies, as witnesses and participants in this process, will usher in new development opportunities. As Talal Albak, CEO of Saudi Cloud, said, Saudi Arabia is already another "Silicon Valley" and their growth will not stop. The future of science and technology in Saudi Arabia is worth looking forward to.

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