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China Leads the 6G Standardization

Today, with the rapid development of global communication technology, 6G, as the core driving force of next-generation information technology, is gradually moving from conceptual conception to the fast lane of standardization and commercial application. China, as an important pole on the world's science and technology map, has played a leading role in 6G standardization for the first time, which not only highlights the leap in China's scientific and technological innovation strength, but also indicates the profound change of the global communication technology pattern and the far-reaching impact of the future trend.

1. China leads 6G standardization: a global demonstration of scientific and technological strength

The distinguished representative of China Mobile was appointed as the chief rapporteur of 3GPP's first 6G standard project, which marked the official start of the global 6G standardization process and entered the stage of substantial advancement. This is not only a major breakthrough made by Chinese enterprises in the field of international communication technology standard setting, but also a vivid portrayal of China's significant increase in the global communication field. It announced to the world that China has grown from a follower and runner in the past to a leader today, leading the global exploration and development of 6G technology with an open attitude and strong scientific research strength.


Figure: China is taking a leading role in 6G standardization for the first time

2.  6G Technology Innovation: Opening a New Chapter in the Future of Communications

The rise of 6G technology heralds a qualitative leap in communication speeds, with latency falling to unprecedented levels and the number of connected devices increasing exponentially. This technological revolution will bring unprecedented development opportunities to frontier fields such as smart cities, unmanned driving, and telemedicine. The 6G network will build an all-round, three-dimensional and global communication system and realize the vision of "intelligent connection of all things", which will not only greatly enrich people's lifestyles, but also profoundly change the operation mode of social economy, bridge the digital divide, and promote global interconnection and common development.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the inclusive intelligence and communication integration and interaction characteristics of 6G technology will rely on its efficient distributed intelligent learning and logical reasoning capabilities to provide strong support for the deep integration of artificial intelligence and communication technology. This integration will not only improve the performance and advancement of 6G networks, but also give birth to a series of innovative applications, such as intelligent Internet of Things, holographic communication, remote control, etc., which will greatly expand the boundaries and possibilities of human society.

3.Exploration of technological frontiers: 6G communication and perception integrated system

In the wave of technological innovation, the 6G communication and perception integration system has become the focus of attention. Authoritative journals such as ZTE Technology Journal pointed out that the development of the system needs to comprehensively consider multiple dimensions such as communication performance, perception performance, resource allocation and application scenarios to achieve seamless integration of communication and sensing functions. This convergence will not only give 6G networks diversified capabilities such as high-precision positioning, environmental reconstruction, and imaging, but also promote us to enter a digital twin era where the physical world and the digital world are deeply integrated. At that time, human beings will be able to perceive, understand and manipulate the real world with unprecedented precision and efficiency, opening up new modes of cognition and interaction.

4.International Cooperation and Competition: Drawing a blueprint for 6G development

In the face of 6G, the commanding heights of science and technology, countries around the world have increased investment and strengthened cooperation and competition. United States, Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Japan, Korea, Sweden and United Kingdom have joined hands to form the "6G" alliance, aiming to promote the rapid development and widespread application of 6G technology through joint research and development. This phenomenon of transnational cooperation not only reflects the great importance and expectation of the world for 6G technology, but also indicates that there will be a fierce international competition in the field of 6G in the future.

However, in the face of such an international situation, China has not flinched. On the contrary, China is actively participating in the formulation and cooperation of global 6G standards with a more open and inclusive attitude, and working with other countries to promote the innovation and development of 6G technology. China firmly believes that by strengthening international cooperation and exchanges, it can pool global wisdom and strength to jointly draw a grand blueprint for 6G development, and bring a richer and more colorful communication experience and a more efficient and convenient lifestyle to human society.

5.Conclusion: In the 6G era, China walks with the world

To sum up, China's leading role in 6G standardization is not only a concentrated embodiment of China's scientific and technological strength and international influence, but also the responsibility and responsibility of China and the world to jointly promote the development of global communication technology. With the continuous maturity of 6G technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, we have reason to believe that a more intelligent, efficient and interconnected future world is coming to us. In this process, China will work hand in hand with other countries to create brilliance and jointly write a new chapter in the development of global communication technology.

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