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Golden Era Ahead Chinese Automotive Semiconductors in the Next Three Years


With the transformation and upgrading of the global automotive industry, China's automotive electronics industry stands at a new historical starting point. Last week, Chen Lu, editor-in-chief of China Exportsemi Web, attended the 2024 Global New Energy Intelligent Vehicle Technology Innovation Conference, and was fortunate to hear the speech of He Wen, deputy general manager of Changan Automobile Software Technology, who believed that China's automotive electronics industry has ushered in a golden era of development, and also pointed out the crux of the industry - the serious problem of product homogenization. Therefore, he also pointed out the direction for the future development of China's automotive semiconductor manufacturers - innovation and differentiation. The following is the wonderful speech and views of Manager He compiled by China Chuhai Semiconductor for you, as well as some of our own thoughts.

Opportunities and Challenges of the Golden Age

Manager He pointed out that in the next three years, China's automotive electronics industry is in a golden period of development. According to the forecast of international market research institutions, by 2025, the scale of China's automotive electronics market will reach the level of 100 billion US dollars, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 10%. This data fully demonstrates the huge potential of the industry's development.

However, opportunities always come with challenges. The homogenization problem mentioned by Deputy General Manager He Wen has become a key factor restricting the development of the industry. The current semiconductor products in the market have converged functions and lack of innovation, which not only reduces the competitiveness of products, but also affects the sustainable development of the industry.


Pictured: He Wen, Deputy General Manager of Changan Automobile Software Technology, shares his views at the 2024 Global New Energy Intelligent Vehicle Technology Innovation Conference

Innovation: the core driving force of industry development

Innovation is the core driving force for the development of the industry. Manager He emphasized that OEMs have opened up their interfaces to provide a fair and just competitive environment for semiconductor manufacturers. On this basis, manufacturers need to develop products that truly support the innovation needs of car manufacturers, which will not only enhance the competitiveness of Chinese automobiles, but also promote the development of the entire automotive industry.

Differentiation: the key to market competition

Differentiation is the key to market competition. In today's increasingly homogeneous product functions and performance, differentiated product strategies can help companies stand out in the market. Mr. He pointed out that ecological partners need to think about how to achieve differentiated competition on the basis of innovation, which is crucial to improve market returns and the long-term development of enterprises.

Case Study: Successful Differentiated Innovation

Taking Changan Automobile as an example, the company has successfully achieved product differentiation through its self-developed intelligent driving technology. Changan Automobile's intelligent driving system not only meets the needs of users in terms of functions, but also innovates in user experience and provides a more humanized interaction design, thus occupying a place in the fierce market competition.

The practice path of innovation and differentiation

China Exportsemi Web believes that in order to achieve innovation and differentiation, China's automotive electronics industry can try to start from the following aspects:

1. R&D investment: increase R&D investment, encourage the development of original technology, form independent intellectual property rights, and provide technical support for product innovation.

2. Market demand orientation: in-depth research on market and consumer needs, develop customized products that meet market demand, and improve product market adaptability and user satisfaction.

3. Cross-border cooperation: cross-border cooperation with other industries, introducing new design concepts and technologies, and realizing the innovation and expansion of product functions.

4. Intelligence and networking: Closely follow the trend of intelligence and networking, develop intelligent networked automotive electronic products, and improve the intelligent level and user experience of automobiles.

5. Brand building: Strengthen brand building, create a unique brand image, and enhance the market awareness and competitiveness of products through brand differentiation.

Industry outlook

Looking ahead, China's automotive electronics industry is expected to play a more important role in the global market. With the rapid development of new energy vehicles and the continuous progress of intelligent network technology, China's automotive electronics industry will usher in more development opportunities. At the same time, the support of national policies and the growth of market demand will also provide a good external environment for the innovation and differentiation of the industry.


As the manager said, the golden age of China's automotive electronics industry has arrived, but in order to be invincible in this era, innovation and differentiation are indispensable kings. Only by continuously launching innovative and differentiated products can China's automotive electronics industry occupy a favorable position in the global market and achieve sustainable development. Only companies that innovate and differentiate at the same time can seize this golden age and be at the forefront of the times.

For more industry information and in-depth analysis, please pay attention to China Exportsemi Web.

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