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Good News from CAS:HEPS Storage Ring Fully Connected

On July 1, 2024, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences received good news that the high-energy synchrotron radiation light source (HEPS) storage ring has completed the full-loop vacuum closed loop, which marks the completion of the HEPS storage ring and officially entered the joint commissioning stage. This is not only a leap forward in China's scientific and technological circles, but also a major breakthrough in the field of global synchrotron radiation light sources.

As a major national scientific and technological infrastructure, the construction of HEPS is of far-reaching significance for promoting the development of science and technology in China. The storage ring of HEPS is the third largest light source accelerator in the world and the largest accelerator in China, with a beam orbit circumference of about 1360.4 meters. This scale of accelerator not only reflects China's ability to build large-scale scientific research facilities, but also demonstrates the country's emphasis and investment in basic scientific research.

The completion of HEPS will fill the gap in the field of high-energy synchrotron radiation light sources in China and enhance China's position in the international scientific and technological competition. It will provide a powerful experimental platform for research in the fields of aerospace, energy and environment, life medicine and other fields, and promote technological progress and industrial upgrading in related fields.


Figure: The storage ring of the High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source (HEPS) completes the full-loop vacuum closed loop

The construction of HEPS is an important step in China's global race for scientific research facilities. As one of the world's brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation light sources, the completion of HEPS will attract top researchers at home and abroad and promote international scientific research cooperation and exchanges. At the same time, the principle of openness and sharing of HEPS will make it a common research platform for global researchers and enhance China's influence in the international scientific research field.

The completion and operation of HEPS will have a positive impact on economic and social development. On the one hand, it will promote scientific and technological innovation in related fields, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and drive industrial upgrading; On the other hand, the construction and operation of HEPS will provide a large number of high-quality employment opportunities for the society and promote local economic development.

As a source of ionizing radiation, the radiation safety of synchrotron radiation sources has always been the focus of public attention. However, HEPS is designed and built with multiple layers of protection to ensure radiation safety. This reflects the commitment of scientific research institutions to social responsibility while pursuing scientific and technological progress.

The all-round integration of HEPS is the embodiment of China's scientific and technological strength and an important part of the national strategic layout. It will not only promote scientific research in China and the world, but also inject new vitality into social and economic development. With the gradual improvement and operation of HEPS, we have reason to believe that it will become a new milestone in the development of science and technology in China and even the world.

In writing this analytical review, we have combined the actual situation of the HEPS project, the technical details, and its position in the national strategy to provide readers with an in-depth and breadth analysis. At the same time, we have also taken note of the social concern of radiation safety and have given it a full discussion in the article. I hope that through this article, more people can understand the importance and significance of the HEPS project.

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