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HangZhou Dahe Innovation in Thermomagnetic Electronics

In the tide of intelligence in the global automotive industry, intelligent cockpit technology has become a hot spot for innovation. Chen Lu, editor-in-chief of China Exportsemi Web, participated in the 3rd Intelligent Cockpit and Intelligent Interior Technology Forum hosted by ATC Automotive Technology Platform, and had an in-depth exchange with Wang Linrun, a representative of Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of FerroTec, at the Chateau Star River Hotel in Panyu, Guangzhou.

Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics Co., Ltd., as a wholly-owned subsidiary of FerroTec in China, has been committed to the development and production of magnetic fluid technology, semiconductor technology, vacuum technology and other fields since its establishment in 1992. With its diversified technical strength, the company has become an industry benchmark in high-tech fields such as semiconductors, precision machinery, and thermoelectric refrigeration.

Application and prospect of intelligent cockpit technology:

As an important part of the development of automotive intelligence, intelligent cockpit technology is gradually becoming a new hot spot in the automotive industry. According to IHS Markit analysis, the current global penetration rate of smart cockpits is about 50%, and it is expected that the market will have a broad space for development in the future. The intelligent cockpit not only improves the safety and comfort of driving, but also provides passengers with a wealth of infotainment services.

Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics' Innovative Technology:

The thermoelectric refrigeration technology of Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics has a wide range of applications in the field of intelligent cockpits. With its high performance and reliability, the company's thermoelectric semiconductor coolers are widely used in vehicle temperature control systems, vehicle Xiaoice boxes, etc. Compared to conventional compressors, thermoelectric technology offers significant advantages in terms of local temperature control.


Pictured: Hangzhou Daiwa, a FerroTec company, showcasing its Tec in-vehicle application

In the interview, Wang Linrun, a representative of Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics, introduced the company's thermoelectric technology and its application in the intelligent cockpit. They emphasized that thermoelectric technology enables more compact and efficient temperature control solutions that meet the stringent space and energy consumption requirements of smart cockpits. In addition, the application of thermoelectric technology is not limited to the automotive industry, but can also be extended to consumer electronics and other industrial fields.

Wang Linrun further explained that the working principle of thermoelectric refrigerators is to use the Peltier effect of semiconductor materials to transfer heat through the flow of electric current, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling or heating. The advantages of this technology are its fast response, precise temperature control and the absence of moving parts, resulting in high reliability and simple maintenance.

In the specific application case of intelligent cockpit, Wang Linrun introduced the cooperation project with well-known automobile brands at home and abroad. For example, in a high-end model, the thermoelectric refrigeration technology provided by Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics is used in the seat temperature adjustment system to provide passengers with a personalized comfort experience. In another concept car, the company's technology is used in a smart storage compartment that enables precise control of the temperature of the contents inside.

According to IHS Markit's research report, the global automotive intelligent cockpit market size is expected to reach $68.1 billion by 2030, and China's share of the global market will grow significantly, showing China's rapid development and great potential in the field of intelligent cockpit.

Editor-in-Chief's Perspective:

China Exportsemi Web believes that Hangzhou Yamato's innovation in thermoelectric refrigeration technology not only meets the high standard requirements of the automotive industry for intelligent cockpits, but also provides new possibilities for other industries. Editor-in-chief Chen Lu also mentioned that with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, thermoelectric technology is expected to play a greater role in the field of intelligent cockpits in the future.

The development of intelligent cockpit technology is promoting the transformation of automobiles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals. Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics electronics' thermoelectric technology, with its unique advantages, is expected to play an important role in this change. From in-car refrigerators to seat heating and cooling systems to smart storage compartments, the application scenarios of thermoelectric technology will become more and more diverse.

It is expected that in the future, with the development of autonomous driving technology and the popularization of 5G communication technology, the intelligent cockpit will be more closely connected with the outside world and provide more abundant and personalized services. Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics will continue to work with automakers, technology suppliers and other industry partners to jointly promote the development of intelligent cockpit technology.

Finally, through this interview, China Exportsemi Web has a deeper understanding of Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Electronics' professional capabilities and market position in the field of intelligent cockpit technology, and hopes that our readers and friends will also gain something. It is expected that Hangzhou Daiwa will bring more innovations and breakthroughs in the field of intelligent vehicles in the future, and contribute to the development of the global automotive 

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