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How Hesai Technology is Not Affected in the Sino US Tech War

In the context of global technology competition, China and the United States are increasingly competing in many fields, especially in the high-tech industry. Chinese company Hesai Technology, a global leader in intelligent automotive lidar manufacturing, recently won an important victory in the United States "blacklist" controversy. This incident is not only an affirmation of Hesai Technology's own strength, but also an important victory for Chinese companies in the Sino-US technology war. Next, China Exportsemi will conduct an in-depth analysis of the background of this incident, Hesai Technology's core competitiveness, rights protection strategy, and future prospects.

1. Background of the incident: Hesai Technology's "blacklist" dilemma

In January 2024, the United States Department of Defense placed Hesai Technology on its so-called "blacklist" citing possible ties to the Chinese military. This decision immediately sparked widespread attention and controversy in the industry. Hesai Technology expressed strong dissatisfaction and filed a lawsuit with the Pentagon in United States in May, calling the move "arbitrary and capricious." Hesai Technology pointed out that the company's products are mainly used in the field of intelligent driving and intelligent transportation, and have nothing to do with the military. For Hesai Technology, this blacklist not only affects its reputation, but may also have a negative impact on its cooperation with international customers.

2. Technical strength: Hesai Technology's core competitiveness

The United Kingdom Financial Times reported on Monday that Hesai Technology, one of the world's leading manufacturers of smart car lidar, will be removed from the United States Department of Defense's blacklist, according to several people familiar with the matter. Hesai Technology's victory is first and foremost due to its technical strength in the field of lidar. The company adopts an industry-leading chip-based technology architecture, and its lidar products are known for their high performance and high reliability. Hesai's products excel in a wide range of applications, from smart driving to security surveillance. In the first quarter of 2024, Hesai Technology achieved revenue of RMB360 million, with total LiDAR deliveries reaching 59,101 units, up 69.7% year-on-year. Among them, the delivery of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) products was 52,462 units, a year-on-year increase of 86.1%. This series of data not only proves Hesai's technical strength, but also demonstrates its competitiveness in the market.


Pictured: The United Kingdom's Financial Times said Hesai Technology will be removed from the blacklist of the United States Department of Defense

Hesai's technological progress in the LiDAR field is due to its continuous R&D investment and keen insight into market needs. The company cooperates with a number of universities and research institutions to conduct research and development of cutting-edge technologies. This open cooperation model not only promotes technological innovation, but also supports the company to maintain a leading position in the fierce market competition.

3. Legal Approach: Strategies and Enforcement of Active Rights Protection

In the face of the unfair treatment of the United States Department of Defense, Hesai Technology did not choose to remain silent, but actively defended its rights through legal channels. In May, the company formally filed a lawsuit with the Pentagon of United States to remove it from the blacklist. This action demonstrates the self-confidence and resilience of Chinese companies. Hesai's legal team said the company will make full use of legal means to protect its legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, Hesai Technology has also actively spoken out in international public opinion to win recognition of its legitimacy from the outside world.

Hesai's rights enforcement strategy is not limited to legal proceedings, but also includes strengthening communication with industry associations and the media. By publicizing the company's technological prowess and social responsibility, Hesai strives to dispel misunderstandings and reshape the corporate image. This series of initiatives has helped to strengthen the public's trust in Hesai Technology and laid a good foundation for the company's growth in the international market.

4. the policy environment: the macro background of the Sino-US science and technology war

The "blacklist" battle of Hesai Technology is a microcosm of the technology game between China and the United States. The United States government's series of restrictive measures reflect its concerns and constraints on China's technological rise. As competition between China and the United States intensifies in the technology sector, and United States regulations and restrictions on Chinese companies become more stringent, Hesai's situation is becoming more complex. However, Hesai's victory also demonstrates the resilience and strength of Chinese companies on the international stage.

Under the current international situation, Chinese technology companies are facing more and more challenges. Policy uncertainty, intensified market competition and the complication of international relations have put pressure on the development of enterprises. However, Hesai Technology's victory in this game fully demonstrates the resilience and wisdom of Chinese companies in the face of challenges. Hesai's success is not only a victory for itself, but also a model for Chinese companies to fight for their legitimate rights and interests in the international market.

5. Market recognition: international cooperation and influence

With the decision of the United States Department of Defense, Hesai's future has become brighter. In the Fortune Global 500 list, six of the world's highest-grossing automakers or their joint venture partners have reached a designated mass production partnership with Hesai. This not only proves Hesai's influence in the global automotive industry, but also indicates its broad development space in the field of autonomous driving in the future.

Hesai's cooperation with internationally renowned automobile manufacturers has not only brought considerable economic benefits, but also provided strong support for the company's technological innovation and market expansion. By partnering with the world's top companies, Hesai Technology is able to gain access to advanced technology and market experience to enhance its competitiveness. In addition, Hesai Technology actively participates in international exhibitions and technical exchange activities to further expand its influence in the global market.

6. Conclusion and outlook: the future development of Hesai Technology

The battle for Hesai's "blacklist" is an important victory in the Sino-US technology game. It not only tests the ability of Chinese enterprises to cope on the international stage, but also demonstrates the strength and resilience of Chinese technology enterprises. With Hesai Technology being removed from the blacklist, the company is expected to continue to expand its presence in the global market and make greater contributions to the development of smart cars and autonomous driving technology.

In the future, Hesai Technology will continue to uphold the innovation-driven development concept and actively expand domestic and foreign markets. With the rapid development of the global intelligent vehicle industry, Hesai's advantages in the field of lidar will be further highlighted. The company plans to increase its investment in R&D and continuously introduce higher performance products to meet the changing market.

In the context of the Sino-US technology war, Hesai's victory is of great exemplary significance. It tells us that only by insisting on independent innovation and actively responding to challenges can we win respect and development in the fierce international competition. In the future, Hesai Technology will continue to demonstrate the power of Chinese enterprises on the global technology stage with its technological strength and market influence.

Hesai's success is not only an incentive for Chinese technology companies, but also a valuable experience for other companies. In the face of external pressure, we can only be invincible in the international market by strengthening confidence and actively responding. With the development and growth of Hesai Technology, it is expected to play a more important role in the global field of intelligent vehicles and autonomous driving in the future, driving the progress and innovation of the entire industry.

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