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Honda Sales Drop in China

Honda, one of the world's leading automakers, is facing an unprecedented test in the Chinese market. In July 2024, Honda's sales in China plummeted by 41.39% year-on-year to only 52,567 units, almost halving sales compared to the same period in 2023. This significant decline has not only attracted widespread attention from the industry, but also posed a serious challenge to Honda's electrification transformation strategy. China Exportsemi Web will explain the reasons for you.

The underlying reason for the decline in sales

The decline in Honda's sales in China is the result of a combination of factors. First of all, the increasingly fierce competition in China's auto market, especially the rapid rise of domestic brands, poses a huge challenge to traditional automakers. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the market share of domestic brands has grown from 35.8% in 2020 to 57.5% in the first half of 2024.

Second, Honda is relatively conservative in its electrification transition. Globally, sales of electric vehicles are growing at an unprecedented rate. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), global electric vehicle sales increased by 60% year-on-year in 2023. However, Honda's layout in this area is relatively lagging behind, especially in the Chinese market, where the number and competitiveness of its electric models are not enough to cope with market changes.

Capacity adjustment and electrification transition

In the face of declining sales, Honda has taken a series of measures to adjust its production capacity and transition to electrification. On July 25, 2024, Honda announced that it would close one plant in China and stop production of cars at another plant, reducing production capacity by about 500,000 units. The decision is part of Honda's efforts to optimize production capacity and accelerate the transition to electrification in China, the world's largest automotive market.


Figure: Sales in China plummet: Can Honda's transformation strategy keep up with changes in the Chinese market?

Honda plans to start production of Dongfeng Honda's new electric vehicle plant in September 2024 and GAC Honda's new energy plant. The commissioning of these new plants is expected to restore Honda's production capacity in China to 1.44 million units, while significantly enhancing its competitiveness in the new energy vehicle market.

Challenges and opportunities for transformation strategies

Honda's transformation strategy is facing no small challenges. On the one hand, the competition in China's new energy vehicle market is already very fierce. Independent brands such as BYD and NIO have occupied the first-mover advantage in the market, and have invested heavily in technological innovation and market promotion. On the other hand, Chinese consumers are increasingly accepting of new energy vehicles, and their demand for intelligence and electrification is growing.

However, there are also opportunities. As a global automaker, Honda has strong technical strength and brand influence. Its deep accumulation in the field of hybrid technology provides a solid foundation for the transition to electrification. If it can accelerate the introduction of electrified products and improve the level of intelligence of products, Honda may still have a place in the Chinese market.


The sharp drop in Honda's sales in China is a collision between market changes and its own transformation strategy. In the face of rapid changes in the Chinese market, Honda needs to adjust its strategy more quickly and decisively to meet the needs of the new energy vehicle era. By accelerating the transition to electrification and enhancing product competitiveness, Honda is expected to regain its growth momentum in the Chinese market.

Honda's transformation path has been challenging, but it has also been full of opportunities. With the start of production at the new plant and the launch of new products, Honda is expected to rebound in the Chinese market. At the same time, Honda also needs to strengthen its integration with the Chinese market, better understand the needs of Chinese consumers, and respond to market changes with more flexible strategies.

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