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Huawei Launches New Round of Global Young Genius Recruitment

As the world's leading communications technology company, Huawei has been sparing no effort in attracting and nurturing talents. On July 23, Huawei once again issued a hero post to the world, launching a new round of the "Global Talented Youth" recruitment program. This initiative not only demonstrates Huawei's thirst for top talent, but also its ambitions at the forefront of technology.

In today's increasingly fierce global technology competition, Huawei's new round of "Global Talent Recruitment" program is not only an innovative implementation of talent strategy, but also a far-reaching layout for the future development direction of science and technology. Huawei's move undoubtedly provides a stage for top young talents around the world to showcase their talents, and also provides valuable inspiration for other technology companies to balance local talent training and international talent introduction in the context of globalization.

Huawei's global vision and local expertise

Huawei's talent strategy is based on openness and inclusiveness. In the new round of "Global Talented Youth Recruitment", Huawei has made it clear that there are no restrictions on schools, majors, or academic qualifications, which shows that Huawei's thirst for talents is not limited by traditional frameworks. Huawei values candidates for their special achievements in mathematics, physics and chemistry, computer science, artificial intelligence, and other fields, such as heavyweight scientific research achievements, papers, patents, or awards in top international competitions. This emphasis on talent potential and innovation capabilities is key to Huawei's ability to maintain its technological leadership.

The global layout of talent strategy

Huawei's global talent strategy is not only reflected in the introduction of international talents, but also in the cultivation and cultivation of local talents. Through the establishment of Huawei ICT Academies with more than 2,600 universities around the world, Huawei trains more than 200,000 students annually.

Remuneration: Top salaries attract top talent

Although this year's job poster does not explicitly mention the salary package, according to last year's recruitment situation, Huawei offers more than 5 times the salary of "talented teenagers", showing that Huawei is generous in attracting talent. According to the previously released email, the salary of talented teenagers is divided into three levels, the highest level is 1.82 million to 2.01 million yuan, the second level is 1.405 million to 1.565 million yuan, and the third level is 896,000-1.008 million yuan.


Figure: Huawei recruits "talented teenagers" from all over the world, with an annual salary of up to 2 million+

Construction and optimization of talent ecology

Huawei's efforts in building a talent ecosystem are also worth noting. Through the release of the Talent White Paper, the Huawei ICT Competition, the HCIE Night and other activities, Huawei disseminates the value of talents and creates a good atmosphere for talent growth. These events not only enhanced the international influence of the Huawei brand, but also provided a platform for global ICT talents to exchange and compete.

Balance between the introduction of international talents and the cultivation of local talents

In the context of globalization, how to balance the cultivation of local talents and the introduction of international talents by technology companies is a question worth pondering. Huawei's approach provides some useful lessons. First, Huawei has attracted and brought in top international talent through its global talent strategy, and has cultivated a large number of local talents through in-depth cooperation with local universities. This two-way talent strategy not only ensures that Huawei can absorb the latest global technology trends and innovative thinking in a timely manner, but also ensures that Huawei has a deep understanding of the local market and continues to cultivate it.


The launch of Huawei's new round of "Global Talent Recruitment" is not only a rallying cry for the world's top talents, but also a profound interpretation of the global talent strategy of technology companies. In today's world where globalization and localization are intertwined, technology companies need to have a global vision and localized operations like Huawei, and achieve sustainable development of talent strategies by building an open, inclusive, and mutually beneficial talent ecosystem.

As Huawei continues to be active on the global technology stage, we have reason to believe that its talent strategy will continue to provide a strong impetus for the company's innovation and development, and will also provide more opportunities and challenges for global technology talents. In the wave of global technology competition, Huawei's talent strategy will undoubtedly become an important force to promote scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading.

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