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In Vehicle Ethernet and China Auto Semiconductor Synergy

In the context of the rapid transformation of the global automotive industry, China's automotive semiconductor industry is ushering in unprecedented development opportunities. At the beginning of July, Mr. Chen Lu, editor-in-chief of China Exportsemi web, personally felt the pulse of the close cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the industry at the high-level matchmaking meeting between Changan Automobile and Cialis held on the shore of Mingyue Lake in Chongqing. As one of the reporters of this important matchmaking meeting, Mr. Chen Lu recorded the speech of Hao Shilong, general manager of Shanghai Motor-comm's electronic vehicle business department. This speech not only shows the deep cultivation of Shanghai Motor-comm Electronics in the field of automotive Ethernet chips, but also reveals the necessity and challenges of the coordinated development of China's automotive electronics industry chain.

The current situation and challenges of China's automotive Ethernet chips

In Hao Shilong's speech, the strategic positioning and technical advantages of Motor-comm Electronics in the field of automotive Ethernet were clearly presented. At present, the company's overall shipments have exceeded 400 million, mainly concentrated in industrial consumption and automotive product lines, of which automotive Ethernet chips account for a small proportion of total revenue, only less than 5%, but its strategic position and future potential can not be underestimated. Hao Shilong specifically mentioned that the project between Motor-comm Electronics and Changan Automobile is being closely debugged and cooperated, and the depth of cooperation between the two sides will determine the future trend of the automotive Ethernet market.

As one of the key technologies of modern intelligent networked vehicles, automotive Ethernet is responsible for the data transmission of in-vehicle multimedia systems, driver assistance systems and intelligent driving systems. With the popularization of technologies such as autonomous driving and intelligent cockpits, the demand for automotive Ethernet chips will continue to grow. However, the current domestic automotive Ethernet chip market is still facing multiple challenges such as technology research and development, market promotion and industrial chain collaboration. Hao Shilong pointed out that although Motor-comm electronics has become one of the leading manufacturers, how to develop with OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and other industry chain partners in the automotive Ethernet market is still an important issue that enterprises must face.


Figure: Shanghai Motor-comm Electronics is deeply engaged in the field of automotive Ethernet chips

Industrial chain synergy: to build the competitiveness of China's automotive electronics

Hao Shilong mentioned "industrial chain synergy" many times in his speech, which is not only an accurate summary of the current status of China's automobile industry, but also a deep reflection on future development. He mentioned that China's auto industry needs to "fight in groups" from the upstream to the downstream of the whole industry chain, that is, through the close cooperation of upstream and downstream enterprises, form a joint force to jointly promote the development of the industry. Hao Shilong's words revealed a strong sense of mission and responsibility, and he called on colleagues in all links of the industrial chain to work together to build China's automotive electronics industry into a bright spot of global competitiveness.

In China, the coordinated development of the automotive industry chain has long been on the agenda. With the acceleration of vehicle electrification, intelligence, and networking, collaboration among OEMs, component suppliers, chip manufacturers, and software developers has become particularly important. In the past, the automotive electronics industry was often a single-handed, relatively independent and lack of effective communication and cooperation. However, with the increase of technical complexity, industrial chain collaboration has become an inevitable choice.

Specifically, industrial chain synergy includes the following aspects:

1. Technology collaboration: Chip manufacturers need to work closely with OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to ensure the unification of technology roadmaps and product compatibility. This includes joint participation in the development of standards at an early stage of technology development to ensure that products meet the technical needs of OEMs. At the same time, technical collaboration also includes close cooperation during the testing and validation phases of the product to ensure that the product can operate stably in a real-world environment.

2. Market synergy: In terms of market promotion, OEMs and chip manufacturers need to work together to develop promotion strategies to ensure that new technologies can be quickly introduced to the market. For example, when promoting automotive Ethernet technology, chip manufacturers can jointly hold technical seminars, exhibitions and other activities with OEMs to convey technical advantages and application prospects to the market.

3. Supply chain collaboration: Supply chain management is an important part of automotive electronics industry chain collaboration. By optimizing the supply chain process, reducing the cost of the supply chain, and improving the efficiency of the supply chain, the overall competitiveness of the industrial chain can be enhanced. Especially in the context of increasing uncertainty in the current global supply chain, supply chain collaboration is particularly important.

Technological breakthrough and strategic layout of Motor-comm electronics

In his speech, Hao Shilong mentioned Motor-comm's upcoming TSN Switch chip, which is regarded by the company as a blockbuster product in the future automotive Ethernet market. TSN Switch not only has a leading edge in technology, but also represents the company's long-term layout and determination in the automotive field. Hao Shilong expressed the company's willingness to fully cooperate with Changan Automobile's strategic needs, and looked forward to promoting Motor-comm Electronics to achieve greater breakthroughs in the automotive Ethernet market through in-depth cooperation.

In the global automotive Ethernet market, Motor-comm electronics is clearly positioned and targeted. The company is committed to becoming a leading supplier of automotive Ethernet chips in China and even the world, and expanding its market share through technological innovation and market promotion. The launch of TSN Switch is not only a reflection of Motor-comm's electronic technical strength, but also marks a key step in the company's field of automotive chips.

In addition, Motor-comm's strategic layout also includes actively participating in international market competition. Hao Shilong mentioned that the overseas market of vehicles is huge, and Motor-comm has established close cooperative relations with important international car manufacturers and Tier1 by virtue of the overseas branches and channels laid out a few years ago. In the future, Motor-comm will further strengthen cooperation with international customers and enhance the international influence of the brand.

The future outlook of China's automotive electronics industry

Hao Shilong's speech not only let us see the potential of Motor-comm electronics in the field of automotive Ethernet, but also provided a strong reference for the future development of China's automotive electronics industry. With the transformation of the global automotive industry to intelligence, electrification and networking, China's automotive electronics industry will usher in more development opportunities. However, in order to seize these opportunities, all links in the industrial chain must strengthen coordination and cooperation, form a joint force, and jointly promote the development of the industry.

The development potential of China's automotive electronics industry is huge, especially in the field of on-board chips, with the continuous growth of market demand, more globally competitive enterprises will emerge in the future. As one of the representative enterprises of domestic on-board chips, Motor-comm Electronics has emerged in the industry through technological innovation and market collaboration. In the future, with the promotion and application of TSN Switch and other products, Motor-comm Electronics is expected to occupy a more important position in the global automotive chip market.


Hao Shilong's speech at the high-level matchmaking meeting between Changan Automobile and Celis is not only an in-depth analysis of the strategy of Motor-comm Electronics Company, but also an appeal for the coordinated development of China's automotive electronics industry chain. China's automotive electronics industry is at an important historical node, and the future development not only depends on the efforts of individual enterprises, but also requires close cooperation among all links of the industrial chain. Through the synergy of technology, market and supply chain, China's automotive electronics industry is expected to occupy a more important position in the global market and achieve sustainable development.

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