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How TACS Technology Empowers Qingdao Metro Line 6

The official opening of Qingdao Metro Line 6 not only marks that Qingdao's rail transit has entered a new stage of development, but also sets a new benchmark in the field of intelligent transportation. As the first subway line in the country to adopt a fully autonomous operation system (TACS), Qingdao Metro Line 6, with its outstanding technological innovation, demonstrates how TACS technology can deeply empower rail transit and promote the further development of intelligent transportation.

1. TACS technology empowers autonomous operation capabilities

The core of the TACS system lies in its autonomous operation capability, which is a major innovation in the traditional train control mode. Traditional subway trains obey ground commands like "marionettes", while the TACS system transfers the core control functions to the train, giving the train the ability to make independent judgments and decisions. Through direct "communication" between trains, the TACS system realizes autonomous route entry, autonomous protection and autonomous adjustment of trains, thereby greatly improving the operating efficiency and safety of trains. This autonomous operation capability not only reduces the dependence on ground equipment, but also reduces system complexity and maintenance costs, laying a solid foundation for the intelligent operation of Qingdao Metro Line 6.

Figure: TACS technology supports the autonomous operation of Qingdao Metro Line 6

2. TACS technology improves system reliability and safety

The TACS system also performs well in improving system reliability and safety. The system adopts a distributed design, which reduces the situation where multiple trains have to downgrade their operations due to failures of major equipment in the equipment room, and provides more effective system guarantees. According to data, the overall reliability of the TACS system has increased from 99.99% to 99.9996%, an increase of two orders of magnitude, which is nearly a hundred times the improvement in the industry. In addition, the TACS system also has efficient emergency handling capabilities. In extreme special situations such as fires and other emergencies, it can quickly complete the return at any location to ensure the safety of passengers.

3. TACS technology promotes smart operation and maintenance and smart station construction

Qingdao Metro Line 6 has not only achieved intelligent upgrades in train control systems, but also achieved remarkable results in smart operation and maintenance and smart station construction. By applying technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and maintenance robots, the smart operation and maintenance system realizes real-time monitoring of equipment, fault warning and rapid disposal, providing passengers with a safer and more comfortable travel experience. At the same time, the smart station has created a number of special scenes by using technologies such as video AI, IoT perception, and personnel positioning, which has promoted the intelligent upgrade of station passenger services and production operations. For example, in the case of a passenger falling on the escalator, the smart station can identify and remotely stop the escalator in seconds, effectively avoiding secondary injuries to passengers.

4. The driving role of TACS technology in the semiconductor industry

The widespread application of the TACS system has not only promoted the intelligent upgrade of the rail transit industry, but also had a profound impact on the semiconductor industry. As the core component of the train control system, semiconductor chips play a vital role in the TACS system. With the continuous promotion and upgrading of the TACS system, the demand for high-performance and high-reliability semiconductor chips will increase significantly. This will prompt semiconductor companies to increase R&D investment, promote technological innovation and product upgrades to meet the rail transit industry's higher requirements for semiconductor technology. At the same time, the successful application of the TACS system will also bring new market opportunities and cooperation space to the semiconductor industry.

5. Market prospects and challenges of TACS technology

Looking to the future, TACS technology has broad market prospects. With the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid development of the rail transit industry, more and more cities will plan and build subway lines. With its excellent performance and significant advantages, the TACS system is expected to become the mainstream control system in the rail transit industry. However, the promotion and application of TACS technology also faces certain challenges. For example, the investment in technology research and development and application is large, and high technical strength and innovation capabilities are required; at the same time, the TACS system needs to be compatible and interconnected with the existing rail transit system, which also requires solving a series of technical problems.

In summary, TACS technology, with its excellent performance and significant advantages, has deeply empowered Qingdao Metro Line 6 and promoted the intelligent upgrade of the rail transit industry. In the future, with the continuous development and promotion of TACS technology, we have reason to believe that it will bring more innovation and changes to the field of intelligent transportation.

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