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The demand for AI chips has surged and is urge to unit standard of packaging

In recent years, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the demand for AI chips has shown explosive growth. However, this fast-growing demand has been bottlenecked by a shortage of supply, which has attracted widespread attention in the industry. In this context, semiconductor industry experts have called for accelerating the unification of back-end process standards to improve production efficiency and meet market demand.

The demand for AI chips has surged, and supply shortages have become the norm

According to Jensen Huang, founder, president and CEO of Nvidia, the shortage of AI chips will continue throughout the year. This situation is not an isolated phenomenon, but a common problem facing the global semiconductor industry. With the widespread application of AI technology in smartphones, data centers, autonomous driving, and other fields, the demand for high-performance AI chips has increased dramatically. However, due to factors such as long semiconductor production cycles, high technical thresholds, and complex global supply chains, it is difficult for the supply of AI chips to meet market demand.

The back-end process standards are not uniform, which restricts the increase of production capacity

The semiconductor manufacturing process is divided into two parts: front-end process and back-end process. The front-end process mainly involves the design, manufacturing, and testing of chips, while the back-end process includes key steps such as packaging and testing. At present, the microscopic technology of the front-end process has been widely standardized internationally, but the back-end process varies from industry to industry, and there is a lack of unified standards. For example, TSMC uses CoWoS technology for advanced packaging, while Samsung Electronics uses I-Cube technology. This lack of uniformity in standards not only increases production costs, but also reduces production efficiency and restricts the improvement of semiconductor production capacity.

Figure: AI chips are in short supply, and the unification of semiconductor back-end process standards is imminent

Unified standards to improve production capacity and efficiency

In order to alleviate the shortage of AI chips, the semiconductor industry urgently needs to unify back-end process standards. Jim Hamajima, president of the Japan office of the International Semiconductor Industry Association (SEMI), noted that the chip industry needs more international standards for back-end or post-production processes to enable companies like Intel and TSMC to ramp up production more efficiently. Uniform standards will help optimize production processes, reduce waste and duplication of work in the production process, and thus improve overall production efficiency and productivity.

Standardization promotes the progress of the industry and meets the market demand

Standardization will not only help improve the production efficiency of the semiconductor industry, but also promote the coordinated development of the entire industry chain. By unifying standards, semiconductor manufacturers can share resources and information more efficiently, and promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. At the same time, standardization will also provide smart device manufacturers with a more stable and reliable supply of chips, shorten the time-to-market, and reduce production costs. This is of great significance to meet the growing market demand and promote the development of high-tech fields such as AI.

The shortage of AI chips has become a serious challenge for the semiconductor industry. In order to alleviate this situation, it has become the consensus of the industry to unify the back-end process standards. By standardizing production processes, the semiconductor industry will be able to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance competitiveness to better meet market demand.

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