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The Iter Magnet System, The World's Largest International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Was Completed

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project, an unprecedented international scientific and technological cooperation program, carries the human desire for clean, sustainable energy. ITER, derived from the Latin word for "road", symbolizes the bright path to the peaceful use of fusion energy. The project is one of the largest international research cooperation projects in the world, with the participation of more than 30 countries, including the European Union, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States.

The ITER project is implemented by the International ITER Organization, an independent international body composed of government representatives from the participating countries. The construction and operation funds of the project shall be jointly borne by all participants in accordance with the agreed proportion. At the technical level, countries undertake different research tasks and manufacturing work according to their own scientific research strength and industrial base.

Technical achievements of the ITER magnet system

ITER's magnet system was one of the most striking parts of the project. Recently, on July 1, local time, as 19 huge annular field coils arrived in southern France, ITER announced the completion and delivery of large annular field coils from Japan and Europe for the fusion energy project. This marks the end of the reactor design process and is one step away from commissioning. These coils are not only impressive due to their size, but also to their technical complexity. They will be used to create a powerful magnetic field to control the temperature and movement of the plasma, which is key to achieving nuclear fusion reactions.


Figure: Schematic diagram of the installation of coils and containers for ITER's magnet system

The potential of fusion energy

Fusion energy is regarded as the holy grail of future energy due to its clean, efficient, and sustainable characteristics. Unlike conventional nuclear fission, nuclear fusion reactions do not produce long-term radioactive waste, and its raw materials, deuterium and tritium, can be extracted from seawater, almost endlessly. The success of the ITER project will provide humanity with an almost limitless energy solution.

The power of international cooperation

The ITER project is a model of international cooperation that shows how different countries and cultures can come together to solve global problems. From design to manufacturing, to final assembly and testing, every step is the result of the hard work and wisdom of scientists, engineers, and technicians around the world.

Challenges and future prospects

Despite the significant progress made by the ITER project, it still faces technical and financial challenges. The cost and timeline of the project have exceeded initial expectations on several occasions, reminding us of the need for continued commitment and patience in the pursuit of breakthrough technology. However, with the completion of the magnet system, the ITER project is a solid step towards achieving the goal of the first plasma discharge, and this historic experiment is expected to take place in 2025.

To sum up, the completion of the ITER magnet system is not only a great achievement of the project itself, but also an important milestone for all mankind on the road to exploring new energy. It proves that through international cooperation, we can overcome many obstacles and move towards a clean, sustainable energy future. As the ITER project continues to progress, there is reason to believe that the era of fusion energy is slowly beginning to unfold.

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