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Lam Research Introduces Lam Cryo 3.0 Cryogenic Etch Technology

There are reports that Lam Research Corp has launched Lam Cryo 3.0 technology. This is the company's third-generation, production-proven, low-temperature dielectric etching technology, further cementing its leadership in 3D NAND flash etching, and with the boom in generative AI technology, global demand for higher-capacity, higher-performance storage solutions had skyrocketed. In this context, Lam Cryo 3.0 technology was born, which achieves high etching accuracy and contour control with high-power-confined plasma reaction technology in ultra-low temperature environments and cutting-edge surface chemistry innovations.

According to Senior Vice President of Global Products at Lam Research, "The advent of Lam Cryo 3.0 technology paves the way for customers to move towards mille-feuille 3D NAND. To date, more than 5 million wafers have been successfully produced using our low-temperature etching technology, and this latest technology is a major breakthrough in 3D NAND production. It is an indispensable key technology for NAND manufacturing in the AI era because it can accurately create high aspect ratio (HAR) characteristics at the angstromstrom scale, while significantly reducing environmental impact, and the etch rate is more than twice that of traditional dielectric processes.”

Capacity growth by vertically stacking memory cell layers has become a mainstream trend in 3D NAND, a process that relies heavily on accurate etching of deep and narrow HAR memory channels. Any slight deviation can adversely affect the electrical performance of the chip, which in turn affects the overall yield. Lam Cryo 3.0 technology is deeply optimized for these challenges, ensuring a stable and consistent etching process.

Neil Shah, co-founder and vice president of research at Counterpoint Research, commented: "The rapid development of artificial intelligence is driving the demand for flash capacity and performance in cloud and edge computing at an unprecedented rate. To address this challenge, chipmakers are accelerating the technological iteration of NAND flash memory with a view to commercializing 3D NAND by 2030. The advent of Lam Cryo 3.0 cryogenic etching technology is undoubtedly an important milestone in this process. It enables deep etching of memory channels with near-perfect accuracy and control, while maintaining extremely low profile deviations, significantly improving the yield and performance of advanced 3D NAND, giving chipmakers a valuable advantage in the AI era.”

figure:Lam Research unveils Lam Cryo 3.0 cryogenic etching technology(source:CnBeta)

Lam Cryo 3.0 combines the company's unique high-power-confined plasma reactor, process innovation, and novel etch chemistries at ultra-low temperatures, combined with Lam's latest Vantex® dielectric system, to achieve a double leap in etch depth and profile control. The technology is able to easily handle memory channel etching tasks up to 10 microns deep and ensures a feature-critical dimensional deviation of less than 0.1% from top to bottom.

In addition, Lam Cryo 3.0 offers significant advantages in terms of production efficiency, sustainability and optimization of equipment investments. Compared to traditional dielectric processes, it can be etched up to 2.5 times faster and has better wafer-to-wafer repeatability, helping to reduce production costs and increase throughput. At the same time, the technology significantly reduces energy consumption per wafer (by 40 percent) and emissions (by up to 90 percent).

Lam Cryo 3.0 technology is seamlessly integrated into Lam's latest Vantex system and is compatible with the company's Flex® HAR portfolio of dielectric etching machines, supporting all major memory manufacturers. This compatibility not only ensures the rapid popularization and application of the technology, but also provides a reliable guarantee for the mass production of 3D NAND.

Looking back, Lam Research has been deeply involved in wafer fabrication etching technology for two decades and has witnessed the evolution of seven generations of 3D NAND technology. Since the successful launch of the world's first mass-produced low-temperature etching product in 2019, Lam has applied more than 7,500 HAR dielectric etching chambers in NAND production, of which nearly 1,000 have been upgraded to low-temperature etching technology. This series of achievements not only demonstrates Lam Research's technical strength and market position, but also lays a solid foundation for its continued development in the future.

Today, Lam Cryo 3.0 technology is officially available to the world's leading memory manufacturers.

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