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MEMS Sensor Industry Report of Global and China (2)

In the global and Chinese MEMS sensor industry analysis report (1), the upstream, midstream and downstream links of the MEMS sensor industry chain are briefly introduced, and the market size of MEMS sensors is briefly discussed.

The size of the MEMS sensor market is a dynamically changing data, and its size is affected by a variety of factors, including technological progress, application field expansion, market demand changes, etc.

Global MEMS sensor market size

At present, MEMS sensors have huge development prospects, and the global market size of MEMS sensors will be about $12.6 billion in 2021. The global MEMS sensor market is expected to reach more than $18 billion by 2026.

According to Shangpu Consulting Group, the global MEMS sensor market size is expected to reach $28.17 billion in 2023 and continues to grow. It is expected to reach $30.98 billion by 2024 and $34.07 billion in 2025, with a compound growth rate of 9.4%.

Chart: Global MEMS sensor market size (Source: XYZ research)

The consumer electronics field is the largest application market for MEMS sensors, accounting for more than 50%, mainly including smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, smart speakers and other products. The automotive sector is the second largest application market, accounting for about 20%, while the medical sector ranks third, accounting for about 10%. From the perspective of the global MEMS sensor product structure, the largest market share is radio frequency (MEMS actuator), accounting for about 21%. followed by pressure sensors, inertial combination sensors, acoustic sensors, and acceleration sensors, accounting for 15%, 13%, 12%, and 9.4% respectively.

United States MEMS sensor patent applications account for 55% of the total global MEMS sensor patent applications; This was followed by China, Germany and Korea, accounting for about 14%, 6% and 5% of patent applications, respectively. In the "pending" state, the total number of patents is about 8,500, accounting for 70% of the total number of MEMS sensor patents in the world. The number of MEMS sensor patents in the "active" state and the "PCT formulation period" is about 3,340 and 275, accounting for 28% and 2% respectively.

Figure: The current situation of the global sensor industry (Source: XYZ research)

The size of China's MEMS sensor market

China's MEMS sensor market occupies an important position in the global market. For instance, in the field of virtual and augmented reality, the market size of MEMS sensors for virtual and augmented reality in China will be 2.831 billion yuan in 2023. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, the scale of China's MEMS sensor market is expected to continue to grow. Especially in key areas such as consumer electronics, automotive, and medical, the demand for MEMS sensors will continue to increase.

From the perspective of China's MEMS sensor market structure, system integration applications account for more than 50% of China's MEMS sensor market size; equipment and materials accounted for about 8%; Manufacturing, design, and packaging are 27% and 12%, respectively. From the perspective of industry application structure, in China's MEMS sensor market, consumer electronics is the application field with the highest proportion in the industry, accounting for about 60%, followed by automotive electronics, industry, medical treatment, and communications, accounting for 19%, 11%, 6%, and 4% respectively.

Figure: China's MEMS sensor market size (Source: XYZ research)

According to the operating income, Goertek has the highest market share, about 55%, basically in the industry monopoly position; followed by Huatian Technology, China Resources Micro, and AutoNavi Infrared, with market shares of 12%, 10%, and 4% respectively. The market concentration of China's MEMS sensor industry is high, with CR4 reaching more than 80% and CR6 reaching about 85%. In terms of the number of patents, China's patent concentration is low, with CR4 and CR6 being 5% and 6.5% respectively

Figure: China's MEMS sensor market share (Source: XYZ research)

The global MEMS sensor market size has continued to grow in recent years and is expected to continue this trend in the coming years. With the popularization of consumer electronics such as smartphones, wearable devices, and smart homes, as well as the development of automotive fields such as autonomous driving and new energy vehicles, the increasing demand for MEMS sensors is driving the market size expansion.

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