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New Chinese Drone Can Fly as Long as the Sun Shines

It is reported that Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has successfully developed CoulombFly, an electrostatic aircraft that relies on pure natural light to achieve take-off and continuous flight. The micro-aircraft is powered by a new electrostatic motor as the engine core, which will greatly increase the flight time of the micro-aircraft and expand its application range in the future.

Called the "CoulombFly", the micro-drone has a wingspan of only 20 centimeters and weighs only 4.21 grams, which is lighter than a sheet of A4 paper, but its performance is impressive. It uses a new electrostatic drive scheme, the core of which is an electrostatic motor that relies on the Coulomb force between the stator and rotor to produce continuous rotational motion. Compared with traditional electromagnetic motors, electrostatic motors have significant advantages of low speed, less heat generation and high efficiency after miniaturization. In the case of small mass (less than 5 grams), its energy conversion efficiency can reach more than 10 times that of traditional electromagnetic motors, and the power consumption required to generate the same lift is only less than 1/10 of that of electromagnetic motors.

In order to achieve this technological breakthrough, the scientific research team of Beihang University has not only developed a miniature electrostatic motor, but also developed a kilovolt-level ultra-lightweight high-voltage power supply for flight application scenarios. This power supply mainly includes two parts: solar cells and boost circuits, in which the boost circuit can convert the low-voltage direct current input of solar energy (or lithium battery) into 4-9 thousand volts of high-voltage direct current under the condition of weighing only 1.13 grams, which greatly improves the energy conversion efficiency.

Photo: CoulombFly (Source: Nature)

Powered by pure natural light, this micro-drone is capable of continuous flight, and its low power consumption (0.568 watts) and high lift (30.7 grams per watt) make it have a wide range of applications when performing special tasks such as photography, detection and transportation in small spaces. In addition, the drone also has an ultra-lightweight design, the overall weight is extremely light, and it is easy to miniaturize and portable, which provides the possibility for its application in scenarios such as emergency rescue and narrow space detection.

Qi Mingjing, a professor at the School of Energy and Power Engineering of Beihang University, said that the key to the successful development of this micro drone lies in the innovation of the power system. By reducing heat loss, they efficiently convert the electrical energy generated by the solar cells into kinetic energy, so that the micro-aircraft can take off and continue to fly under the power supply of pure natural light. This achievement not only solves the pain point of short flight time of micro UAVs, but also greatly improves its application scope and practicability.

Although the solar-powered drone resembling a mosquito is not yet able to fly on its own power, the professors involved in the project are confident in it. "I believe that with the continuous development of microcircuit technology, we can achieve this goal," he said. ”

Looking to the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of applications, this solar-powered micro drone is expected to play an important role in more fields. The scientific research team of Beihang University will continue to devote itself to the research and development of micro aerial vehicles, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the progress and development of human society.

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