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Popular Jobs:Research Assistant Roles New Graduates Favorite

Under the current economic situation and employment pressure, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China have recently jointly issued a notice to provide new employment directions and opportunities for the 2024 college graduates. The introduction of this policy is not only a positive response to the job market, but also a strong support for the national innovation-driven development strategy.

Policy background analysis

The development of scientific research assistant positions is a direct response to the current employment problems of college graduates. In the context of increasing global economic uncertainty, scientific and technological innovation has become an important engine for national development. As an important supporting force for scientific research projects, the development of scientific research assistants can not only absorb a large number of graduates, but also provide fresh blood for scientific research projects and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Interpretation of policy content

The notice clarified three main tasks: to increase the development of scientific research assistant positions, to organize the development of scientific research assistant positions in the national high-tech zone, and to actively develop scientific research assistant positions in various localities. The proposal of these tasks reflects the government's understanding of the importance of scientific research assistant positions and the importance it attaches to the employment of college graduates.


Figure: The joint action of eight departments, the position of scientific research assistant has become the new favorite of graduates

Discussion on policy implications

1. Promote employment: The development of scientific research assistant positions provides more employment options for college graduates and helps to alleviate employment pressure.

2. Strengthen the construction of scientific research team: The addition of scientific research assistants can enhance the vitality and innovation ability of scientific research teams and promote the progress of scientific research projects.

3. Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements: scientific research assistants play an important role in the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, which helps to accelerate the marketization process of scientific research achievements.

4. Enhance innovation ability: Through the practice of scientific research assistant positions, college graduates can accumulate valuable experience and lay a solid foundation for future scientific research work.

Recommendations for policy implementation

1. Clarify job responsibilities: Each employer should clarify the job responsibilities and requirements of scientific research assistants to ensure that the positions match the majors and abilities of graduates.

2. Improve the training mechanism: Establish a systematic training and assessment mechanism to improve the professional ability and comprehensive quality of scientific research assistants.

3. Optimize salary and benefits: Provide competitive salary and benefits packages to attract and retain excellent research assistants.

4. Strengthen policy support: The government should introduce more support policies to ensure the stability and development of scientific research assistant positions.


The notice jointly issued by the eight departments is a positive response to the current employment situation and a strong support for the national innovation and development strategy. Through the development of scientific research assistant positions, it can not only provide new employment opportunities for college graduates, but also inject new vitality into the country's scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. It is expected that this policy can achieve good results in practice and open up a new path for the employment of college graduates and the country's scientific and technological development.

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