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NVIDIA Surpasses Microsoft and Apple in Market Value: The New Wealth Code in the AI Era

Under the attention of the global capital market, NVIDIA (NVIDIA) has surpassed the two giants in the technology industry - Microsoft and Apple in market capitalization, and has become the world's most valuable company. This historic leap is not only an affirmation of NVIDIA's years of deep cultivation in the AI field, but also indicates the redefinition of wealth code in the AI era.

The logic behind Nvidia's soaring market capitalization

Nvidia's market capitalization has soared, thanks to its forward-looking layout in AI and deep learning. According to market analysis data, NVIDIA's data center business has grown rapidly in the past few years, and its revenue in the first quarter of fiscal 2024 increased by more than 50% year-on-year, of which AI-related businesses contributed significantly.

NVIDIA's AI technology prowess

NVIDIA's GPUs are at the heart of AI research and applications around the world. Its CUDA platform has become the go-to choice for AI developers, supporting almost all major deep learning frameworks. According to the latest market research, Nvidia GPUs have a share of more than 90% in the AI training market, almost forming a monopoly.

Specific data examples of market capitalization growth

Nvidia's market capitalization growth is supported by specific data. For example, its stock price has soared more than 200% over the past year, and Rosenblatt Securities analyst Hans Mosesmann raised his price target from $140 to $200, indicating that the market has extremely high expectations for Nvidia's future development.


Figure: Nvidia beats Microsoft to the top of Apple's market capitalization

Comparative analysis with Microsoft and Apple

Compared with Microsoft and Apple, Nvidia's market capitalization growth rate is even more amazing. Microsoft and Apple, as traditional technology giants, have relatively stable market value growth, while Nvidia has used AI technology as a springboard to achieve a rapid leap in market value. According to Bespoke Investment Group, it took Nvidia just 96 days to grow from $2 trillion to $3 trillion, compared to 945 days for Microsoft and 1,044 days for Apple.

Challenges and opportunities for NVIDIA

While Nvidia's growth in market capitalization is impressive, there are challenges. The uncertainty of technological change, increased market competition, and ethical and legal issues regarding the use of AI technology are all things that Nvidia needs to face. However, with the continuous advancement of AI technology and the expansion of application fields, NVIDIA is expected to continue to maintain its leading position in the market.


NVIDIA's rise to the top of market value is not only a recognition of its technical strength and market strategy, but also a reflection of the rise of AI technology in the new era. With the continuous development and application of AI technology, NVIDIA is expected to continue to maintain its leading position in the future technology competition and become the writer of the new code of wealth in the AI era.

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