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Omdia: AMOLED Shipments will Surpass TFT LCDs in the Smartphone Display Market in 2024

With the continuous advancement of smartphone technology and consumers' pursuit of higher quality display experience, AMOLED displays are gradually replacing traditional TFT LCD displays and becoming the mainstream choice in the market. According to the latest forecast of Omdia, a well-known market research institution, by 2024, AMOLED shipments in the smartphone display market will surpass TFT LCD, a trend that indicates the rise of AMOLED technology and the gradual decline of LCD technology.

AMOLED (Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays are favored for their excellent color performance, high contrast ratio, and lower energy consumption. Compared to traditional TFT LCDs, each pixel of an AMOLED display can emit light independently, which allows the screen to completely turn off the pixels when displaying black, resulting in higher contrast and deeper blacks. In addition, AMOLED has a wider viewing angle and faster response time, which is able to provide a smoother and more realistic visual experience.

In recent years, AMOLED displays have become more and more widely used in the smartphone market. From high-end flagship models to mid-range and entry-level devices, more and more mobile phone manufacturers are choosing AMOLED displays to improve the competitiveness of their products. This trend not only promotes the rapid development of AMOLED technology, but also promotes the prosperity of related industrial chains.

Image: Omdia: AMOLED shipments in the smartphone display market will surpass TFT LCDs in 2024

According to Omdia's report, AMOLED smartphone driver chip shipments are expected to increase by 11% year-on-year in 2024, while the growth rate of TFT LCD display driver chips is relatively low. This forecast is based on two factors: the increasing penetration of AMOLED displays in the smartphone market and the strong growth in demand for AMOLED display driver chips.

At the same time, the application of AMOLED displays in other fields is also expanding. For example, in wearable devices such as smartwatches, AMOLED displays are favored due to their thinness, flexibility, and low power consumption. In addition, with the improvement of display effect requirements for IT equipment such as tablets and laptops, AMOLED displays have gradually become an important choice for these devices.

However, despite the strong performance of AMOLED displays in the market, TFT LCD displays still have a certain market share. This is mainly because TFT LCD has certain advantages in terms of cost, stability and durability. However, as AMOLED technology continues to advance and costs decrease, these advantages are gradually waning.

AMOLED displays are expected to surpass TFT LCDs in 2024 and become the mainstream choice in the smartphone market. This trend not only reflects consumers' pursuit of high-quality display experience, but also reflects the continuous development and improvement of AMOLED technology. For mobile phone manufacturers and related industry chains, actively embracing AMOLED technology will be an important trend in the future.

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