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Onsem partner with Volkswagen Groups

Recently, onsemi entered into a multi-year agreement with the Volkswagen Group that states that onsemi will provide power technology for the Volkswagen Group's next-generation electric vehicles. It is reported that Volkswagen will soon launch a sustainable expansion platform (SSP) traction inverter integrated power box solution, which adopts silicon carbide-based technology in the integrated module, which can be scaled to adapt to the power level from high power to low power traction inverter, making it suitable for all vehicle models.

"By providing a complete power system solution that covers the entire power subassembly, we provide the Volkswagen Group with a single, simplified, modular, scalable platform that minimizes efficiency and performance across its vehicle lines." "This new approach allows for customized power requirements and added features for different vehicles without compromising performance, while reducing costs." 

Based on the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs, onsemi's unique power box solution is able to handle more power in a smaller package and significantly reduce energy consumption. Three integrated half-bridge modules are mounted on the cooling channels, further improving system efficiency by ensuring efficient management of heat from the semiconductor device to the coolant housing. This results in better performance, better thermal control, and higher efficiency, allowing electric vehicles to travel longer distances on a single charge. With this integrated approach, the Volkswagen Group will be able to easily filter to future EliteSiC-based platforms and remain at the forefront of e-mobility innovation.

Figure: EliteSiC die (Source: Automotive Applications)

Technical Highlights & Benefits

High Performance: Power box solutions based on EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs are able to handle more power in a smaller package and significantly reduce energy consumption. This helps to improve the range and overall performance of electric vehicles.

Thermal control: Three integrated half-bridge modules are mounted on the cooling channels, further improving system efficiency by ensuring efficient management of heat from the semiconductor device to the coolant housing. This will result in better cooling control and greater efficiency.

Modularity & Scalability: onsemi offers solutions that provide the Volkswagen Group with a single, simplified, modular, scalable platform that can be customized and optimized for the needs of different vehicles.

Compared to previous generations, the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs offer up to 30% fewer turn-on losses and up to 50% lower turn-off losses, while also offering ultra-low on-resistance and short-circuit immunity. This design can reduce the amount of material used by 20% at the same output power, helping to improve system efficiency and increase the range of electric vehicles.

Volkswagen Group Purchasing Board member Dirk Große-Loheide said they were convinced by onsemi's deep vertical supply chain and that onsemi had proposed a flexible supply concept based on its SiC fabs in Asia, Europe and the United States. In addition, onsemi plans to expand silicon carbide production in the Czech Republic, which will help the Volkswagen Group's supply chain and improve logistics for faster integration into the production process.

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